I'm the queen of awkwardness

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One of many things I can't stand in life is the horrible sight of my loved little brother being sad or hurt, I admit that he can be one of the most annoying and arrogant people I know, but he's still my brother and I love him to the moon and back, so every time I see those sad teary eyes of his or the unhappy expression on his face it always makes my heart break a little bit inside.

"Tyler, what's wrong?" I ask looking straight into his big grey blue eyes

"I-I missed you, a lot." he says while one single tear is sliding down his read blushed cheek.

No, no Tyler don't cry!

"Ty don't be sad, I'm here, and I always will be, I'm not going to leave you. You know that, don't you?" I say as stabile as I can, but I feel how the damn tears filled with emotions are forming in my eyes, once again.

"I know b-but I just don't want to lose you." he says shyly, and then he throw himself into my arms, hugging me tightly.

I take a deep breath while I hug him back, shutting my eyes and trying not to break down "I promise you Tyler, I will stay here and be by your side as long as you want me to, I promise," I say while I'm stroking his back.

Now I can't hold my emotions back anymore and all the tears I tried to keep inside is now streaming down my cheeks...and the feeling of being vulnerable creeps over me again.

"Aww we missed you so much Amanda," my mother adds before both of my parents embrace us in a big loving hug.

"And I missed all of you..."I quietly whisper to my self.


The cold breeze blows through my now messy brown hair giving me chills and it definitely doesn't feel like summer anymore.

I slightly wipe off the last tear stains on my cheeks with the sleeve of my grey cardigan, trying not mess up my makeup to much.

School starts in about 50 minutes but I really had to get out of the house to just think and try to get myself together, which is hard when you'r swirled around a huge amount of emotions that you can't get hold of, but I try. I'm trying really hard.

It's totally silent and there is no people or cars on the street, the only thing you hear is the light breeze blowing through the canopy but that's it and nothing else can be heard. I walk for about five minutes before I hear a rattling noise coming closer and closer in a very high speed, so I tilt my head to see what's coming.

And there he is again, my new cooky neighbor running in my direction, looking like a freaking Greek god.

I start to walk before we make eye contact cause I'm to embarrassed to even talk to him. I just hope he won't recognize me.

I'm always the girl to make a fool out of myself at the wrong times so talking to him and trying to look calm won't help.

I hear the sound of him coming closer and closer, and before I take a turn I feel someone grab my wrist.

"Hey," I hear a someone say before I have the time to turn around "are you trying to get away or are you just trying to ignore me?"

I look straight in to Hunters eyes, and I notice the light blue spots around the pupil making his eyes look like small planets, which is really beautiful.

"Ummh I-I just didn't see you,"

"Yeah right." he says and then he smirks that annoying smirk of his.

"Do you want anything special or do you just enjoy stalking people?" I grin back.

"Well first of all I don't stalk people I just followed you,

Like that's a difference

"Second of all I kinda need some help finding Oceanview High, and since you probably go there and I saw you on the street I thought it would be a good idea to follow you."

Okay I admit that was a pretty smart idea,

"Why do you suppose I go to Oceanview High?"

"Why wouldn't you, it's the closest school around here."

"Okay, but how do you know I'm not homeschooled?" I lie

"Kitten you can't fool anyone. And if you were homeschooled why would you be walking around with a backpack early on a Monday morning?"

Why did I even try to fool him I knew He wouldn't believe me anyway. I'm just make things even worse. Why am I always so stupid?


And now the lovely authors note that everyone loves to read ;)

I'm sooooo sorry for taking so long but I got stuck and I just want it to be readable, but I will try to update more often.

Seeya in the next chapter and thanks for reading :)

Not perfect but kinda, almostحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن