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We got to the club and saw all the debs getting ready.

"Belly, Y/N, you're here. Come, I saved you spots." Shayla said.

The only problem it was right next to Nicole

"Hey. You guys should really talk." Shayla suggested.

"I'll leave you two." Belly said.

"Nicole, I'm-I'm really sorry."

"About what? Conrad? I'm over it. I'm here with somebody else."

"Can I just explain what happened?...I've had a crush on Conrad for, like, my whole life, and he's always just seen me as-as his sister. And then I thought that, this summer, maybe he could like me back. But the thing is, what he liked was that I liked him. You know, he never actually liked me. And I'm sorry I was stupid enough to think that he ever could."

"It's not your fault Conrad's a fuckboy. But you're kind of a fuckgirl, too." I looked at her shocked. "Ethan, Conrad, now Jeremiah. You're playing with a lot of hearts, Y/N."

"Okay, maybe I was being a little fuckgirl-ish, but I-I swear to you, Nicole, I am completely over Conrad. Like, so, so over him."

"No one ever really gets over their first love." I laughed.

"That's funny. Ethan told me the same thing."

"Cause it's true."

Nicole and I made up and then we started getting ready for the ball.

Today was gonna be great, my mom was gonna be here, John was coming in, Laurel invited Cleveland.

"Hey, Y/N someone told me to give this to you." Belly handed me an envelope.

I looked at it and saw my name and realized it was in my dad's handwriting.

I opened the letter as fast as I could and began reading it.

My dearest Y/N,
If I know Susannah well, then I know she put you in the debutante ball. She's been begging me to put you in it since you were born. I'm writing you this for your future self. Right now you're six years old being wild and crazy with Conrad in the pool right now. I hope you know how much I love this place and how glad I am that you get to experience it just the same. I know you're gonna look absolutely beautiful in that white dress no matter who you're standing next to. I hope it's Conrad, you two are the best of buds. Who am I kidding it could be Jeremiah or Steven for all I know it could be some random kid named Dave. All I want you to know munchkin is I love you so much and I know you're gonna light that stage up. And if I'm there or not to see you, cause life likes to be funny. I hope you take that spotlight and make it your own.
I love you sweetheart,
Love, Dad.

I let the tears fall, he knew. He knew all along. I wonder if he had a feeling he wasn't going to be around, I wonder if he knows that i'll get passed this dumb kid stuff with Conrad and we'll be together.

That's just dumb though, I closed the letter and fixed my makeup.

Belly and I grabbed our roses and headed out.

Paige started announcing all the debs, the closer it got to my name the more freaked out I got.

"Isabel Conklin, daughter of John Conklin and Laurel Park. A student at Chesterbrook High School where she is captain of the varsity volleyball team. Isabel is also an avid swimmer, and this summer raised $5,000 for the county women's shelter." I watched Belly walk with Cam down the stairs and before I knew it my name was called.

"Y/N, Y/L/N, daughter of Y/d/N and Y/m/N." Hearing my dads name almost made me break but I stayed strong.

"A future student at UCLA where she will pursue volleyball."

"You're a goddess." Jere told me.

"You ever say that to me again, I'll throw up all over you." I told him.

"Y/N is also an avid swimmer, and this summer raised $7,000 for the county women's shelter." Paige finished.

Jeremiah and I took our picture and I looked at Conrad and smiled. It all felt wrong, Conrad should be standing here with me not Jere.

Ethan and Nicole were right, I'll never get over him. No matter what he does.

We walked over to the table where all our parents were sitting and I gave my roses to my mom and hugged her then curtsied.

"How was the curtsy?" I whispered to Jere.

"The queen would be proud."

My mom gave Susannah my flowers and then she looked at me and Jere. I couldn't look but I just knew she was watching. I felt Conrad eyes on me too.

Out of nowhere Laurel sprung from the table and my mom went to go follow her.

"Where are they going?" I asked Jere.

"I don't know." Then John got up and followed.

"It is my honor to introduce this year's Cousins Beach Country Club debutantes." Everyone applauded.

Before the dance started Jeremiah went and got them and then came back.

"And now introducing this year's debutante escorts."

All the boys did a fun dance and everyone whooped, cheered, and laughed.

I clapped and started and smiled at Jeremiah. We had a little rest period before the big dance so we all socialized. I couldn't find Jere though.

Someone clicked a glass and then the big dance was starting but Jeremiah was gone.

"I don't know where Jeremiah is."I told everyone.

"He'll be here in a minute, I'm sure. Go, get ready." Susannah told me.

"Hey, have you guys seen Jeremiah?" I asked some of the debs.

"I think I saw him go outside." Gigi told me.

You know that dream where you're standing in front of the classroom naked and-and everyone is staring at you? I am living the dream. Where the hell was Jeremiah!

"Hey, have you guys seen Jeremiah?" I asked Shayla and Steven.


As soon as I turned around, Conrad started walking towards me and I smiled from ear to ear.

Here we was, almost like my dad planned this. I was just in shock.

"I think I remember most of the steps." Conrad told me.

He took my hand and walked me to the dance floor.

The danced startled and I don't think i've ever been more happier for me, Conrad is the sun, and when the sun comes out, the stars disappear.

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