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I got dressed up and then headed to Nicole's boat get together with Taylor and Belly.

"It's the one thing I've wanted my whole life, for Conrad to ask me to go somewhere, and to-to an actual ball. And it was all because his mom asked."

"Just proves Ethan's point why Jeremiah thrives and Conrad blows." Taylor said.

"Ethan doesn't know what he's talking about." Belly said. "I'm team Conrad." She continued.

"Thank you Belly." I said.

"But like Jeremiah is, like, sweet and way hotter. Look, I made a Team Jere finsta."

"Oh, my God, Taylor!" I said looking at the pictures.

"I know."

"What am I gonna do? I mean, how am I supposed to fully jump into something with Jeremiah if...if a piece of my heart still beats for his brother." I confessed.

"A piece of my heart will, like, always beat a little bit for Steven, but that doesn't mean that I won't allow myself to fall for someone even more incredible if he comes along."

"Taylor." Belly said. "What?"

"Belly! Y/N!" Nicole yelled.

"Oh, my God." Taylor said.

"Fսck me." I muffled.

We got on the boat and started partying. "Hey, let's just have fun and forget about Conrad and Jere." Belly whispered.

When the sun went down we played put a finger down. "Put a finger down if you've ever made out with two people within 24 hours of each other." Taylor said and Nicole and Gigi put a finger down.

"Okay, put a finger down if you've ever used a stuffed animal to... you know."

"His name was Harry Bear Styles. Like..." Taylor said.

We played a while and Taylor realized I hadn't out a finger down in a while. "Put a finger down if you've ever made out with Jeremiah Fisher." I looked at her and put a finger down.

"Wait. Y/N, we want all the tea." Nicole said.

"Um, sorry, Gigi." I looked at her.

"No, it's fine."

"Um, I mean, there's not much to tell. He's-he's, like, my best friend.

"And when did it start?" Gigi asked.

"Um, about a week ago. We kissed in the pool at our house." I smiled.

"I always had this weird feeling there was something going on between you and Conrad. But I guess I just had the wrong brother." Nicole said.

"Uh, yeah, no. It's-it's, um... It's just, I... I don't know. I..."

"Yeah, whatever. Enough about Jeremiah." Taylor said. "Uh, put a finger down if you've ever been skinny-dipping."

"Put a finger down if you've ever gone skinny-dipping at Hopper's Cove." Nicole said.

"Is that a dare?" "Absolutely."

We all went to Hopper's Cove and skinny dipped. We were all playing in the water and having fun.

We splashed each other and were laughing. I forgot all about Jeremiah and Conrad and I just had fun.

Gigi came running down the dock and started undressing. "Hey, watch out for jellyfish. I do not want to have to pee on any of you guys."

"The other two girls missed out." Taylor said.

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