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IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM am I trying to promote the use of drugs. I want you all to understand that drugs are illegal for a reason, they're not something to be messed with and they seriously are damaging both to the body but also to the environment you are surrounded in.

I will also not promote the romanticising of mental health issues such as depression and panic attack disorders. These are two very serious mental health disorders and should be taken seriously while reading!

Now please as you proceed to read understand that these are REAL issues and REAL people have them.

I'm open to constructive criticism! I've done my education on these disorders and have decided to proceed with the story, if their is any mishaps or mistakes I am open to help. This book is also supported by and AI which also helped me create the ideas and scenarios.

Now as you continue yet again please be mindful to other readers and yourself, remember to pay attention to any trigger warning that will be placed on a chapter before you read.

Enjoy ♡

P.S please don't steal my book, I'm always open to help others write stories but stealing someone else's book is completely unnecessary and stressful for the original owners and fans ♡♡

An Unstable Heartbeat -Bill KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now