He knows one day she's going to find out, but she just hopes that day isn't close. He doesn't want to see how she'll react.

"Yes. But please eat before you even try to get near her ok?" They nodded, Draco just playing around with his ring. 'Adrian is crazy if he thinks im going to babysit his sister.' He thought to himself. He had other shit to do- the other shit being feeding off of random people and compelling them.

"Don't count me in." He said loud enough for them to hear him, his eyes focused on his ring. Adrian let out a breath at his response, silently thankful that he didn't want to keep an eye on her. Draco was the most ruthless one out of all of them. He discards of people as if they were objects. He doesn't care about anyone. And Adrian knew it wasn't an effect of being a vampire because the rest of them were all one too and they still had at least a tinge of sympathy in their bodies.

"Didn't expect you to be doing it anyways." Draco kept his eyes adverted from him not speaking another word.

Not watching her with him knowing wasn't the same as watching her from afar. Which was exactly what he was going to do.


Charlotte was laying on her bed, having had found it with the help of a boy named Cedric. She was reading one of her boggle books, her eyes moving with each line. It was 'Stolen' by Lucy Christopher, the scary hit thrilling events keeping her entertained.

The door to her room opened, looking up to see Pansy with a blonde girl. Pansy groaned once he saw her, rolling her eyes. "You really had to get this dorm?"

She kept her eyes on the page, raising a brow. "Don't flatter yourself. If it was up to me then I would definitely not want to be near you, Parkinson." She could hear her and the girl whisper to each other, giggling to themselves as they clearly talked about her.

"Leave it to you guys to make someone famous, hm?" They quieted down, both grabbing dresses from Pansy's closet.

"Daphne I'm so excited for the party tonight! Thank goodness they keep it a tradition to throw a party on the first day." Charlotte couldn't help but over hear, not even thinking twice before deciding she was going to stay away from that party whatsoever.

'Hopefully Pansy doesn't show up drunk or something.' She thought to herself, watching as the two girls got ready. It was almost eight at night which meant they were already getting ready to leave since they already had their makeup done.

'At least I'll get more peace and quiet once they're gone.'

"I can't wait until Draco sees me in this dress. He'll definitely be drooling at the sight." Daphne hyped her up, Charlotte trying to contain her laugh. She watched them walk out of the dorm, already hearing music from downstairs. She let out a sigh once they left, finally being alone again.


'What the fuck!' She thought to herself as she saw Pansy in their dorm making out with a random guy. She stood up from the bed in her shorts and strapped skin tight sleep shirt, eyeing them with disgust.

"At least have some fucking decency and give me a heads up!" She walked out, with nothing in her hands, slamming the door shut loudly. She had hoped she didn't even have to hear the party, let alone have to walk through the party to go to Adrian's room. He shared it with Theo, Enzo, Blaise, and Draco, but she knew she would be alone up their since they were all most likely at the party.

She could see flashing lights as she got down, gulping. She didn't even think about it as she got in between sweaty bodies, grimacing at how warm they all were. She could see the stairs to go up to the boys dormitory, letting out a breath as she got closer.

A hand snaked around her waist before she could make it, her body being pressed against the all next to the stairs. "Let me go", she yelled over the loud music, seeing a curly haired boy holding her drunkly.

"You're the new girl right? My names Cormac." She scoffed, pushing him back. He gripped her wrist, not letting her walk away.

"Come on, baby, let's have some fun." He got closer, her body being pressed against the wall forcibly as she turned her head away. His body was suddenly off her, a yelp leaving Cormac's lips.

Draco stood there with his hand around his collar, pushing him against the other wall. She could see him whisper something to him which made Cormac walk away, furrowing her brows in confusion. He turned back to her, watching her gulp as he got closer.

She just gave him one more look before going up the stairs, watching him keep his eyes on hers. She got up to their room, quickly opening it when she found it.

Sighing in relief, she looked around the room, seeing how organized it was. She could see a bookshelf filled to the top, gasping lowly once she saw 'Stolen' on the shelf as well. She had left it at her dorm, and she assumed this was Adrian's bed and shelf since he reads sometimes so she just grabbed the book and laid on the bed.

Time was flying by as she read page after page, her eyes drooping tiredly. Before she knew it, she was asleep on the bed, not even noticing the door open.

Draco walked in, looking over to Adrian's bed and not seeing her there. He would've thought that's where she was going to be but once his eyes caught sight of his bed, he knew he thought wrong.

She was dead asleep on his bed, the book open but fallen on her chest with her small fingers wrapped loosely around it. He walked closer to the bed, removing a strand of hair from her face gently. His fingers were icy cold, her face relaxing slightly when he laid his touch one her face. He removed the book from her hands softly, careful to not wake her up.

He stopped for a moment to take in her relaxed features, finally seeing her with no expression on her face. If he thought she looked gorgeous on the train, then he didn't know how to describe her now.

She had soft hazel eyes, her hair up to her top chest. She had pink plump lips, her lashes touching her skin as she had her eyes shut. He knew he didn't make a good first impression on the train or even in the great hall, and he was definitely not going to give her one after knowing Adrian didn't want him near her. He was scared Draco would harm her and he couldn't blame him.

All his friends knew thoroughly about him was that he was heartless. That he didn't feel anything at all. Only hate. They were all secretly careful around him, they loved him deeply, but they were cautious.

And it was good that Adrian didn't want him to be near Charlotte, because he couldn't deny how... intoxicating she smelled.

Hopefully he could control himself.




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