Chapter 2

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"You should eat something." Adrian said to Charlotte, watching her shake her head. "I'm not hungry."

She had just been sorted into Slytherin, her not even caring what house she got. She just wanted to go to her dorm and sleep off the headache she had. But she couldn't because she had to wait until after dinner so someone could show her around.

Everyone was looking at her weirdly, wondering why someone whose joining their sixth year is coming so late to Hogwarts. Did she really take importance in their looks? No. She'd been in that same position after her mom died and everyone had heard about it, so she just got use to it.

"Maybe your head hurts because you haven't ate, Char. Just eat a small bite of something." She lifted her head, grabbing a s'mores from his plate and taking a bite out of it. If it was someone else he would've definitely gotten mad. But she's his sister so it's ok.

"Ew why would you let her touch your food?" Pansy said, Charlotte looking at her droopily while her head throbbed in pain. "I'm her brother, sweetheart. He could care less", she looked her up and down quickly, taking another bite, "and mind your own business next time."

Pansy scoffed, looking away from her with a pout and just hooking onto Draco's arm. She looked at her with disgust, looking up to Draco's face to see him once again already looking at her. She kept eye contact, watching him not budge his view from her.

She suddenly felt someone take her s'mores, now seeing it in Theo's hands. He took a bite, shrugging. "It looked like it was going to melt." He said innocently, a small smile rising on Charlottes face.

"It's alright. I'm leaving anyways." She stood up, watching as they all looked at her. "But don't you have to wait for someone to take you, Char?" She was surprised at hearing Enzo saying that instead of Adrian, but she didn't say anything. She kind of liked people asking about her and all of that.

"I'm sure I'll find my way around, don't worry." Now Blaise spoke up after she finished. "I Can take you if you want." He said. She shook her head, not wanting to interrupt any of their dinner time. "I'm fine. Plus, I'll see more of the castle on my own." He nodded, all of them watching as she walked out of the great hall with eyes on her.

As if on cue, they all looked to Adrian, wanting an explanation. Adrian groaned, playing around with his food with a fork. "I had to bring her ok? I know you guys might think it's not the best idea, but after what happened", he stopped, taking in a breath, "I just couldn't leave her alone at the house when our dad is going to be out doing business."

"What are you guys talking about? What happened?" Pansy said, Draco turning to look at her and looking into her eyes.

"Leave." He knew he had to compel her to leave, if not she wouldn't listen. He looked back to the group, waiting for Adrian to speak again.

Adrian took in a breath, running a hand through his hair. "I think they're coming back." They we're all silent after those words left his lips, knowing exactly what oils happen if the people who killed his mother came back. They would want more blood. And who's better to take than his human sister.

"What the fuck." Enzo spoke after a few passing seconds, saying exactly what was on everyone's mind.

"Wait so you brought her here so just in case they go to your house she's not there? Isn't that good?" Adrian shrugged. "It might be good for now but they will eventually know she came with me which will begin a whole blood bath."

"They want to make us suffer as much as we can. That's the same reason why they killed our mother."

Theo hummed, "so you're saying one of us has to be with her all the time?" Adrian thought about it. He told Charlotte to stay away from them, but they are all vampires which means that she'll always be protected. Besides, he trusts them it's just that they can get a little... animalistic when they get hungry. And yes she might be Adrian sister but most vampires can't resist it when a human gets even a minor cut. Which is also why Adrian also barely hung out with her before.

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