Baby Girl 💜♥️ ❤️

Start from the beginning

Fatima: You know me so well, I can't wait to tell my girls the good news

Zac: I am going to see the guys later so I am going to tell them to get ready they gone have to protect their niece at all cost

Fatima: I already know you got that job down pack 

Zac: Damn right 

Fatima: Shoot I forgot we have our last session with with Dr.Reid today are you able to go, I totally spaced it 

Zac: Yes last session we have come a long way 

Fatima: Tell me about it I was about to leave yo ass

Zac: You know you weren't going no where you stuck we me for life

Fatima: I am 

Dr Reid's Office

Zac and I waited in the lobby until Dr Reid was ready for us

Receptionist: Dr. Reid is ready to see you now

Fatima: Thank you 

Dr. Reid: My favorite couple how are you both doing 

Zac: Great and we just got great news we are having a baby girl 

Dr.Reid: Congratulations are in order to both of you. You two have come so far since our first session. So how has life been

Fatima: I feel like us as a couple and family are great we are still using the tools and advice that you have given us. 

Dr. Reid: I am glad that you both are doing a great job 

Zac: My mom passed away a couple days ago. I didn't get to say goodbye my brother didn't let me know she had passed away on top of her being cremated.

Dr.Reid: Wow I know that was tough for you 

Zac: It was but I am happy that she is in a better place and Fatima was there to help and close that door 

Dr.Reid I am glad to hear Fatima was there for you. It seems that you both have grown stronger together in this process. Even though this is the end of our sessions I will always be available if you both ever need anything.

Fatima: Thank you Dr. Reid for putting in the time to help us we really appreciate it.

Zac: Yes I second that I know I gave you a hard time in the beginning but you've help me heal the little boy in me so that the grown man in me can soar

Dr.Reid: It was my pleasure and congratulations again on your bundle of joy. And remember I am just a phone call away 

Zac: Smiling all hard I felt like I just graduated where my certificate at 

Both laughing 

Fatima: You don't get no certificate crazy come on I am ready to go home

Zac: Hey this is a great accompaniment I need an award

Fatima: This/Us is your reward

Zac: Alright I guess I'll take it 

Fatima looking at him crazy 

Zac: Just kidding 

Fatima: I know you better be 

We finally made it back home I slipped into something comfortable and called the girls to come over. Zac was upstairs showering getting ready to go hang out with the guys.

I had to be extra when I told the girls it was a girl. I put together a gift bag for them. 

Eboni showed up first I poured her a glass of wine 

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