Episode 18: Open Fire

Start from the beginning

"So," Draken attempted to make the situation better. "Go and have a talk with him, maybe you'll get your answer."

"It's worth a try," I smiled.

I hopped on the back of Mikey's bike, as we sped off.

It was now October 30th, the day before the big fight. I was walking with Chufuyu and Takemichi, discussing our current dilemma.

"So, tomorrow's the big day," Takemichi pointed out.

"Guess so," Chifuyu said, before stopping. "But I want you two to come with me first."

"Where to?" Takemichi asked.

He stayed silent before continuing the walk. We made our way up some stairs to find Baji, leaning over the railing.

"Thanks for coming on short notice," Chifuyu told Baji.

"Chifuyu," Baji started, picking himself up off of the railing. "You want your ass beat again?"

"It's Baji!" Takemichi exclaimed.

"Did you get anything on Kisaki?" Chifuyu questioned. "You're a spy, right? You're spying for Toman. I've done my own research and I figured out that Kisaki is bad news. So, you can quit and get out of Valhalla now."

Baji looked very confused at his statement. I didn't think that Baji was an actual traitor, but the look on his face tells me otherwise. Maybe Chifuyu just wanted to justify Baji beating up Katsume and himself. I'll admit, I wanted to justify it too.

"You can give us Katsume back too," I furrowed.

Chifuyu looked at me weirdly. All that time being beaten up in an enemy base, and he didn't even realize that Hanma had his girlfriend's phone. I don't think Hanma is the type to have a bright yellow phone with a purple flower charm that matches with our friend group's phone charms.

"What the hell are you talking about dumbass?" Baji smiled.

"When the fight starts tomorrow," Chifuyu scowled. "If you're still on Valhalla's side, then it's over. You'll be seen as Toman's enemy from then on."

"Technically he's already our enemy," I corrected. "But it doesn't have to stay that way."

"Chifuyu, (Y/n)," Baji started, leaning back over the railing. "How many times do I need to drill it into your thick skulls. Never trust anyone who you're not sure is your friend. I'm with Valhalla now and tomorrow we're going to crush Toman."

"Chifuyu, (Y/n), mind if I talk to him alone for a second?" Takemichi requested.

"Have fun with that," I waved him off.

Chifuyu and I moved to the other bridge, where Takemichi and Baji were in our lines of vision, but inaudible.

"He's definitely getting his head ripped off," I joked.

"What did you mean when you told Baji to give us Katsume back?" Chifuyu blurted out. "She's sick, isn't she?"

"Huh, I guess you were too preoccupied with getting your ass beat by Baji to realize that Hanma had her phone," I explained.

"What? That's why her messages have been so normal lately!" Chifuyu determined.

"Yeah, genius," I mocked. "They're probably going to bring her to the showdown tomorrow. Whether they're using her as leverage or to mock Toman, we'll be there to get her back!"

After our meeting with Baji, we saw that it would be best to explain our situation to Mikey. Takemichi never told us about what he said to Baji, but at least he came back in one piece.

"I see," Mikey expressed, sitting on the top of a playground fixture. "As kids we played, right on the same jungle gym. Baji and me. We fought a lot too back then, but we'd always made up right away. I guess we're fighting for real this time."

I climbed onto the jungle gym, placing myself next to Mikey.

"I'm sorry that I failed," Takemichi apologized. "I tried."

"It wasn't your fault," Mikey frowned. "If he won't back down, it's done. Baji is a traitor to Toman. And tomorrow we fight. All of Toman is ready to throw down, so I've made up my mind."

Takemichi left after that, probably angry at himself for failing to bring Baji back. Mikey leaned his head on my shoulder, while we sat in silence, watching the sunset.

Not even a few hours later was our next Toman meeting.

"All of you!" Draken yelled. "I'll now call this meeting in order to prepare for tomorrow's fight!"

"Thank you all for coming here tonight," Mikey announced. "As you know, tomorrow we clash with Valhalla. We have nothing to gain, they are the ones bringing this fight to us. And now Baji has joined with our enemy. We show no mercy to traitors, that's how Toman handles things. But now, I'm gonna get childish."

The blonde sat on the ground, continuing his speech.

"Fact is, I can't fight against Baji."

Everyone gasped in shock. I guess that they would've never expected the Invincible Mikey to say that he couldn't fight a traitor. I accidentally glanced at Kisaki, who was evilly staring at Mikey. Is that his normal face, or am I tripping?

Standing back up, Mikey yelled. "That's honestly where I stand with this! What I need is for you to help! Tomorrow is when we're going to crush Valhalla and bring Baji back! That's how this battle is going to go down!"

The crowd cheered, pumped for the upcoming fight. They might not have much to gain from this battle, but I do. I need to save my best friend.

"Sorry you two," Mikey sighed. "Does this make me a failure as a commander?"

"You know that's not what all this cheering means," Draken answered.

"If anything, you just made everyone excited for the fight," I added.

The day was finally here. October 31st, or Halloween. We were set to meet at the abandoned car lot during the daytime. Other gang members from various groups filled the area. They wanted to watch this fight go down. I stood near Mikey and Draken at the one entrance. We were just waiting for our opponents to arrive.

"Alright you shits! I'm gonna be the one overseeing this fight," a man in a white uniform with the letters 'ICBM' stated. "The name's Hansen, and I'm from ICBM. Well, that's enough chit chat, let's bring out today's stars. Alright, on this side, the Tokyo Manji Gang."

The doors to our side opened. In front stood the captains, with Mikey, Draken, and I in the middle. The doors opposite of us revealed Valhalla. Most notably, Hanma, Baji, Kazutora, and Katsume? She was stripped to her undergarments and was covered in scrapes and bruises. I'll kill those bastards!

"And Valhalla!"

"Hey Hansen," Mikey spoke. "I'm glad it's you overseeing this fight today. Thank you for that."

"Heh, if this fight sucks, then I'm taking you both down, pal."

"One man from each gang step forward!" an ICBM member yelled.

Kazutora and Draken were the ones who met in the middle. They were making the decision on how the fight would be carried out. A brawl or a 5 on 5 fight. Before the decision was even made, Hansen got punched in the face by Kazutora. To be fair, I didn't think someone overseeing our fight was necessary. It won't change the outcome of the battle itself.

"Come on, get real," the man yelled. "Overseeing the fight? Conditions? You guys come here to play house or some shit? We came here to beat the shit out of you and leave you all dead!"

"Wanna get shit started?" Hanma smiled. "Mikey?"

"Let's get them, Toman!" Mikey angrily yelled.

The sound of a stampede of gang members filled our arena. Now, we were past the point of no return.

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