Chapter 36

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Courtney's POV
I bite my lip as I sat at the table. Both of my dads waiting for me to say something. I just couldn't find the words though. I took a breath to calm my nerves and looked back at my dads.
"I'm sorry. I haven't been the greatest daughter lately." I said.
"Princess, what is going on? Your dad told me you gave him an attitude and you haven't been nice to your siblings lately which I know is very unlike you." My papa said.
"I know it's no excuse, but my school work load has been stressing me out." I said and looked away while biting my lip.
"That's not all. What are you not telling us young lady?" My dad said with his arms crossed.
"Nothing." I said.
"You know better than to lie to us." My papa said.
"Nothing you need to worry about." I said getting up and about to walk away.
"Hold it young lady. We are not done here."
"There's nothing else to say. Look I'm sorry I have had an attitude lately, but school was stressing me out but I'm done all my work so I'll be fine now. Can I go lay down now I'm tired." I said.
My dad was about to say something else, but my papa grabbed his shoulder and shook his head. I then ran to my room. Once inside I shut the door. I then changed into some pajamas, took my contacts out and put my glasses on and checked my phone. I saw I had a bunch of text messages from my girlfriend, Tinsley.

(Courtney is Italics. Tinsley
Please stop blowing up my phone. I was doing homework.

Well, maybe you should answer your phone if you don't want me to blow it up.

I don't have to answer you every hour or every minute.

Sorry for worrying about you when you don't answer. You need to get better at answering your phone babe.

Why were you blowing up my phone anyway.

Because I want to see you. I haven't seen you in weeks!

I looked at my wrists. There were some fading bruises. That's one of the reasons I have been avoiding my girlfriend. She has a little temper and I'm sure it's nothing but it's been happening a lot more lately.

I'm sorry. I just been focused on getting my homeschooling done.

Well when are you done?

Next Monday. I texted back even though I was done with all my assignments.

I the put my phone down to charge and decided to take a nap.

I the put my phone down to charge and decided to take a nap

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(Courtney's girlfriend)

Tinsley Adams
16 years old.
Courtney's girlfriend
Has a bit of a temper but loves her girlfriend.

Leave your guesses on what will happen and let know what you think Courtney's girlfriend is like. Do you think they will break up right away or no? What do you want to see happen in the story?

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