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"W....Who? Seth?"

Anuwe replied, visibly looking confused.

Anubis gave Horus a look of warning.

It was hard to read what either man was thinking with the Cowls they wore, covering their eyes.

I suddenly felt Anubis's hand wrap around my forearm slowly, pulling me closer to him.

Horus grabbed a hold of my wrist, looking down at me as Anubis glared at him.

Suddenly Anuwe could feel a sharp pain in her head.

She winced as the two gods continued to bicker.






"Horea.....please look at me."

The slave woman coughed harshly where she lay almost deathly still, her breathing labored.

"Oh God.....why do the Egyptians forsake us so?"

She whispered to no one, as she gazed at her sister.

Finally she stood, steeling her resolve, as she marched outside.

Their had to be something.

Some herb.... Something that could help her sister overcome her sickness.

As she approached the river she realized the beautiful red flowers she and Horea had seen a tomen ago still remained.

She'd never known what they were or what properties they offered.

But she was desperate to save her sister so she gingerly picked two of them.


When Anuwe began to stir, she could hear the voices of two men arguing in a hushed tone.

"We do not truly know how she came to be there's much we need to figure out before we-"

Horus scoffed.

"Oh please just admit your doing this to gain Seth's affections. Everyone knows he's not truly your father."

Anuwe did her best not to flinch as the sound of a harsh slap reached her ears.


What was happening.

Horus merely chuckled.

"You don't have to be angry with the truth."

Anubis gritted his teeth.

"Seth will never love you either, Horus. Don't even pretend that you don't Vie for his attention."

Horus's mouth stiffened into a straight line, his hands balling into fists.

"Oh so you think magically giving him a daughter will make him like you??? Do you not remember??? Supposedly she is the daughter of Osiris as well! Do you truly think he'll fancy that? What will happen if he kills her?"

Horus added.

"Oh please, wouldn't that work out well for you. You wouldn't have to worry about another potential rival for his affections. Just admit you don't want her near Seth because she might take his affections."

Horus and Anubis looked at each other for a long tense moment.

Finally Anuwe opened her eyes and slowly sat up startling both gods.


Anuwe paused.

"Is.....that true?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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