Where? Pg.2

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"Why...why won't you tell me who my mother is?"

They had just come upon some sort of temple though it remained masked in the shadow of night.


She could have sworn it should be morning by now judging by how long they'd walked.

A desert of eternal night...?

Was this...

Duat? What was even Duat?

"You are....already confused of your existence. To explain more now would be far to much for your mind to comprehend now after all for you are so newly born."

He replied suddenly, making her jerk her head upwards in surprise.

"What...? Newly born?"

She questioned.

"Please...I want to know why I am here."

The god smiled faintly.

"You were not born from the womb of a woman.....You were from many things. Though you have no mother for which bore you into this world...you were created by my hands. You have two fathers."

"What? How?"

Osiris said nothing, a small smile playing in his face.

"All you need to know is that you were created of him and I. So that we may be bound forever."

She didn't understand in the slightest.

Honestly she felt a little disheartened that he was speaking.

The way he danced around her questions, answering in a way that still everything shrouded in mystery.

What was going on...

Two fathers?

So she was.....

Not created Naturally?

"And hopefully..."

He murmured so faintly you almost couldn't hear him.

"...With you he will come to accept my embrace."

"Who....is this man? T...This god I mean."

"You'll know."

He replied turning to face her, wearing a somber expression.

"It is time...."

"Time for what?"

He gently pressed down on your shoulder.

"For you to connect my beloved I once more...you must go. Now."


Energy surged through her, the beating of her heart seemed to pulse in her ears.

It wasn't painful but....

It felt as though she was falling through the air, the wind wilding flinging her hair


And then it was still.

The room was dark, nothing but the faint glow of embers she could she in the corner of her eyes.

Her knees were pressed against the cold of some sort of stone where she was now kneeling.

The soft echoes of voices chanting bouncing off the walls of the temple we're what made her realize she was no longer in duat.

The soft echoes of voices chanting bouncing off the walls of the temple we're what made her realize she was no longer in duat

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