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Isis whispered, visible confusion painting her features.

"Th....That's not possible-"

She murmured.


Horus shook his head.

"I followed her through the streets of Egypt. Last I saw she was in the servants quarters."

Anubis began to creep away with this newfound information.

"Is...Is there any way mother?"

Horus questioned again, this time his voice lower.

'I've turned your seed into this flower. Isn't it beautiful?'

His mother remained Frozen in place for a moment.

"I....I don't know anymore."

His mother whispered.

"I-I didn't think there was."


Horus questioned again, gently leading her to sit in a chair.


His heart was filled with a mix of emotions.

Fear, hope, determination.

His father....

His father could actually have had a blood child?

If so....

If so this fix things.

This could fix everything!

He could bring his father home and they could all be happy.

That's what had driven his father insane wasn't it?

Because he wasn't....

Anubis screwed his eyes shut.


This was his chance.

To make things okay again.

Anubis grabbed a small pouch to carry some things in.

He would find her.

She was the answer.

But he had to find her before Horus.

He was a god now.

So he knew he could.


"How can there still be worshippers of Seth? Why do we allow it?"

"Oh please Anit, oh how your imagination runs wild."

Anuwe said nothing, pulling the bucket from the well so she could get a much needed drink.


She pondered.

"Um....Excuse me?"

She spoke softly.

Both women looked over at her.

"Who is this 'Seth'? Why do I keep hearing his name?"

The woman called Anit seemed flabbergasted.

"You do not know of Seth?"

The other groaned.


"He only destroyed half of Egypt! He led his wicked followers to sacrifice young boys! His hair and eyes painted red to show his sin!"

Anuwe swallowed nervously- though her mind now alight and racing a million miles a minute.


She laughed sheepishly.

"Ah...You'll have to forgive me. I've been gone from Egypt for a moment."

'Red....just like my beloved.'

The words rang in her mind, echoing through her soul.

The woman nodded.

"Girl...Girl are you alright?"


"You've gone rather pale. Have you fallen ill?"

Anuwe shook her head.

"It is...just the heat. I'm going to go rest now. Thank you."

Both women watched the girl leave.

Daughter of SetWhere stories live. Discover now