High born

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"Where are we going?"

Anuwe spoke after finally mustering up the courage to speak.

Anubis gently shushed her, pulling her through several more alleyways until they came upon a small clearing amidst the greenery.

Anubis pushed aside the the thick, dense leaves- leading Anuwe to the small body of water- a large tent was set up not to far away from it's edge.

Anubis stood aside, brushing the cloth entryway aside for the girl and motioning for her to go in .

"We need to speak."

Anuwe looked upon him, eyeing her surroundings warily.

"What is wrong?"

"This is what my dreams feel like....I...I've seen you."

Anuwe replied.

Anubis was very confused now.

Anything he'd planned to say was halted upon his tongue.

'The sound of your voice is sweet, full like the taste of date wine and I drunken girl in a tangle of flowers-Live only a captive the hear it.'

Anuwe blinked slowly.

Her hand unconsciously reaching for him.

The warmth of his hand, the tingle caused by her touch-

Anubis was almost disappointed when she dropped his hand.


Anuwe shook her head.

"Who are you?"

"My name isn't important."

"To me it is."

Anuwe interjected.

"How am I to trust he who is to fearful to speak his name?"

She persuaded.

"I don't matter...or atleast I shouldn't..."

"Why wouldn't you matter? All things are possible. Who you are is limited by who you think you are-"

Anuwe suddenly went quiet.

'All things are possible. Who you are is limited by who you think you are-'

She'd remembered hearing those very words spoken to her.

Finally Anubis murmured in reply.

"Anubis...my name is Anubis."

Anubis glanced up at the girl quietly.

"And yours?"

"But you already seem to know so much of me, how would you not know of my name?"

Anubis looked taken aback.

"I'm sorry," began Anuwe in apologetic tones.

She rubbed her forearm, looking down and the ground.

"I don't know much of myself- I don't remember anything aside from my name and what I've been told... but it's Anuwe."

It was so quiet you could hear the cicada playing their symphonies into the night.


Anubis seemed to test the name on his tongue.

"It's a beautiful name."

The pale man motioned for the girl to sit.

"There's...much to discuss."

Anuwe hesitantly sat across from the young god.

"Firstly, what do you mean 'What I've been told'? Who has told you what?"

"I...when I awoke he was there. I asked many questions though he seemed rather...evasive."

Anubis leaned in closer.


Anuwe shrugged.

"He told me his name was Osiris..."

She began, not noticing the others shocked Expression.

"...and that he was my father."

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