Chapter 29

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It was the last day till we were going back to LA and I decided to take Aryan to a local restaurant. We had just come from a morning jog and I was starving.

"Oh hi Imlie, your back"the waiter I knew since I was I was seven asks me

"Oh hi Phill,it's been so long"I say smiling

"Who"Aryan asks

"An old friend"I whisper to him

"What can I get y'all folks"Phill asks holding up his note book

"Rice and the fried bread with the chili sauce"I say without looking at the menu. It has always been my regular since like forever. Aryan didn't order anything though.

Phill came in a little later with my order and it was disgusting,the food wasn't classy before but it had a home made touch

"What is this Phill"

"I'm so sorry,so many customers have been complaining but I totally forgot how to make the rice,sauce and the bread"he says sadly

"And What should she do"Aryan adds rudely looking into his phone

"Don't be rude"I slightly slap Aryan's shoulder"I think I still remember how to make it"I say standing up and following Phill to the kitchen.

The kitchen was really hot so switched on the fan.

I put oil in the frying pan and fried the bread,the I boiled and seasoned the rice then made the sauce


"Your welcome Phill"I say after he has thanked me for the tenth time

I placed the plate in front of me and began to eat."You want some"I ask Aryan

"Aryan Singh Rathored doesn't need anyone's help"

"Okay"I say taking a bite"this is so good"I say taking another bite

"Fine,I'll have some"he says and I pass him a spoon and we eat happily


We came back to LA yesterday and Christmas is coming around so we went shopping,and by we I mean me and Aryan.

"How does this look"I ask putting a shirt in front of me

"I dunno good"Aryans says

"Try this I say giving him a red shirt"I say

He takes it from and goes into the changing room and wears it and comes out. It complements his figure plus it could show his packs.

"Oh let's get matching we can where "I say

He just nods

I get us matching red hoodies and trousers.

We went home and I decided to go on a walk with Aryan

We walked through the park and I stopped when I saw a slide. I was extremely afraid of slides

"Wait are don't tell me your afraid of slides"he says reading my mind

""I lie. He drags me to the slide and I sit there hoping I don't break my neck.

"You can do it"he says

"But I'm scared"I inform him

"Listen Imlie,one thing you should learn to do is face your fears"he tells me

"Okay,I'm going"I say sliding down"I did it" I say as my feet meet the ground


Later that day Viviane called me and pleaded that I come visit so I did with Aryan

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