Chapter 2

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I woke up so early to follow my mom to work in little café. Since she couldn't afford college for me, and I didn't want to stay at home and be killed by boredom,I had to follow her to the cafe she works in.
   I felt bad I couldn't go to college like others but it's all God's plan

   "Imlie darling please help me attend to the customer that just entered" she says

"Oh....em...okay"I say

I walk up to table 4 where the customer has just sat down and freeze to see the guy from yesterday

"You?" he says with a slight smile

"Oh.....look who we have here"I say as I roll my eyes

"So sorry about yesterday"he says with so much sincerity that I completely forgave him for yesterday but not so easy

"Don't worry" I say cracking a fake smile at him because my mom was giving me a glare

He then smiles at me obviously understanding I'm still angry

"What will you have"I say sounding irritated

"Your forgiveness"he says with a smile

I instantly start laughing at that them smile at him

"So you forgive me"he says hopefully

"Yes"I say with a smile

"Okay then" he says

"So what will you have" I say

"Em... spaghetti  and chicken nuggets"he say looking at the menu

" You will get it in three minutes"I say taking the menu from him


His food was ready so I headed to his table with the tray in my hand to go give him his food

"Here"I say placing his food on his table

He looks up and says thank you

"Bye now"I say

But in my attempt to leave,He holds my hand and tells me to sit,I hesitate a bit then agree

"What?"I say with a confused face

"Aren't you supposed to be in college right now" he says as he stuffs spaghetti in his face

"My mom can't afford college" I say as the whole atmosphere darkens

"Oh......."he says looking surprised

"What are you doing in texas anyways" I say changing the topic

"Oh I came for work I'm a journalist,So I came to take pics of the beautiful texas" he says

"Journalist ?"I say with a confused face

"Hmmm oh it's someone who writes things about people,events and other things"he say looking up from his food

"I......."I get cut off by my mom calling my name

He turns back to his food

"I have to go see you soon"I say getting up and sprinting to the kitchen

"Yes"I say

"Start making desert"she says

"Oh yeah" I say

I made desert,served it then immediately the dinner rush started,by the time I was done it was already 5 pm and I decided to go on a walk.

I was walking happily as I bumped into someone I look up and saw the journalist.

"Hi Mr journalist"I say with a smile

"Hello Miss waiter"he said with a smile

"What are you doing here"I say

"I wanted to take a walk but I don't know anywhere in texas"he says smiling

"Oh I can help I know everywhere in texas"I say with a smirk

"Well then lead the way"he says

We walk as far a possible and the clouds start to turn black

"It looks like it's going to rain"I say looking at the sky

"Okay let's go back" he says looking up as well

We turn and start walking back then it starts pouring and the rain becomes more and more felt like bullets on my skin.He then covers me with his body and looks around

"We need to find shelter" he shouts over his voice

I look carefully and see a small hut up ahead

"Look a hut"I say

We then run toward the hut and get in

"My God"he says leaning on the wall and slowly sliding down

"My skin is so sore"I say rubbing my skin as I slowly sit beside him

There was a moment of silence

"I never got your name"he say
"I'm Imlie sharma,You"

"Aditya kumar tripathi"

After ten minutes of silence I finally talk
"I fell so sleepy"I say like a four year old

"Okay"he says laughing at my cuteness

"Good night"I say

"Good night imlie"he say a we lay down

We lay down and instantly fall a sleep


I wake up to the sound of aditya snoring.i tap his shoulder and wake him up
"What know" he says in a morning voice

"Do you hear that"I say pointing at the tiny Window

"What"he say in his morning voice

"It's not raining anymore"I say slowly smiling

I pull him up and we walkout the hut and I see a group of people from my community

"Hello sir, is my mom okay"I say

"Did you just walk out that hut  with him" he says pointing at aditya

"Em.....uh.....I"I mumble realizing that it looks like me and aditya.....

Someone from my community shout "your so shameless you brat"

Someone else shouts "you must marry him"

I freeze in shock

""Aditya says

The people from my community quickly get sticks,blow torches,guns and knifes and forcefully take us to the  local court and make us sign a marriage agreement at gun points

I kept on crying and hoped it was a dream,they forced me to where a wedding dress and marry aditya

"Please I'm just 18"I plead

The head of the community then threatens to shoot me

"No..... Please don't"Aditya say

The man then says"hey court minister start the wedding

It was the worst 30 minutes of my life, I was forcefully getting married to a stranger from the city and I can't do anything about it.

Hope you guys loved the intense drama I feel so bad for imlie she is so young



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