Friendly Faces

Comincia dall'inizio

Y/n: I mean, I get that. It happens with human parents naming their kids. 

Elita 1: Yeah, but most Cybertronians don't start off as small babies like humans. From the moment I was created, I was like this. Its a bit strange to think about for you, but its normal for me. 

Y/n: I guess so, but it is interesting to learn about. 

Elita 1: I'm glad you think so. And I know learning about history is boring, so I'll try to keep it brief. Things were looking good until the Rust Plague came along. In an attempt to keep it away, all portals connecting to Cybertron were destroyed, leaving Cybertron isolated. 

Y/n: You quarantined yourselves... 

Elita 1: Yeah. We're made of metal alloys and if the Rust Plague reached Cybertron, millions would have been killed, perhaps all life on Cybertron would've been eradicated completely. Sometime after that, bots were being created without a sense of purpose or names. And... Their lives were seen as more disposable. Something that I wish wasn't the case. 

Y/n: Damn... So what happened with them? Did they just choose jobs of their own or something?

Elita 1: No, but they-Hold on. I'm picking up a signal. 

I frowned and looked at the monitor, seeing a small red dot beeping. 

Y/n: I thought you said your comms were down? 

Elita 1: They are. But this signal is outputting a special encoded message. I recognise that signal. Its Autobot! 

A small insignia, resembling a face of some sort appeared on the monitor, followed by symbols that I couldn't understand. 

Elita 1: I guess we know where we're headed. But I should warn you not to get your hopes up. 

Y/n: How comes? 

Elita 1: Decepticons have been known to create fake signals to try and lure Autobots to them. I've lost more than a few friends that way. 

Y/n: Alright. Should I mount the machine gun again? Just in case. 

Elita 1: Not yet. Not until we're both sure that its a trap. 

With that said, she changed direction and drove off-road, directly to where the signal was coming from. It was a little bit of a bumpy ride, but I didn't mind it too much. After a few minutes, we met up with the source of the signal which was a small blue and white car with what looked like wings.

 After a few minutes, we met up with the source of the signal which was a small blue and white car with what looked like wings

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Elita 1: Chromia?! Is that you! 

Y/n: Who? 

Car: Elita 1?! You're alive! 

Suddenly, the car transformed into a blue and white robot that was around Elita's height. Maybe a little taller. 


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ExtraTerrestrial Love (Transformers Prime Harem x Male Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora