Paper Memories

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Paper Memories

Sheena Clio Cervantes knew she just needed to let things pass.

Some things are simply fixed by time. But Sheena knows she can't leave everything to fate either, when it's already her final year as a Fine Arts student. She can't let her story end bitterly and stay alone just because of one stupid accusation.

First, she needs to think before acting. Then, when she makes the perfect plan, her ruined school reputation will be restored; after sleeping the days away, she would finally find the perfect inspiration to complete her art masterpiece; and maybe this is the year she can win over her first love!

If she waits, everything could be perfect like her ideals!!! Just a little more, and she wouldn't be the unloved outcast that settles for replicas, lies, and make-believe!

But how could that still happen now, when her painting became a real person overnight?

Chapters are split into three parts.

Copyright  ©2023 by Muraw
All rights reserved

Content Warning/Trigger Warning/Read This

1.Please approach this novel with maturity, as it explores sensitive topics and the complex thoughts and feelings of its characters. Remember that this is a work of fiction. Be mindful of the line between reality and the fantasy world within these pages. Read responsibly, and ensure that the content you encounter is not used maliciously or to harm others. Take breaks when needed, and enjoy Paper Memories!

2.Paper Memories is a character-driven novel and thus may not meet your expectations or preferred tropes, as the story would mainly tackle Sheena Clio Cervantes social and mental state instead of big and elaborate plots.

3.The split chapters serve as a stop, transition and the reader's break for the multiple scene or mental shifts per chapter, and a small way of connecting to my favorite author who uses the same formatting. Each chapter parts should be read in order and skipping ahead/jumping between each parts is not advisable. Paper Memories  have an average of 3-7 scenes per chapter, thus the split chapter formats

4.The novel contains elements of romance but doesn't fall under the romance genre or category.

5. Remember Sheena Clio Cervantes. 

Additional Details:
A Filipino- English Novel
Chapters: 46
Word Count: 130,000
Genre: General Fiction. Psychological. Fantasy.

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