Arc 1 Chapter 7: Intruders

Start from the beginning

The once-occupant of this room had plas­tered the walls with so many posters and pic­tures that lit­tle of the wall's sil­very-​gray silk was vis­ible. There were sev­er­al large ban­ners, fad­ed scar­let and gold. There were many pic­tures of Mug­gle mo­tor­cy­cles, and al­so sev­er­al posters of biki­ni-​clad Mug­gle women. Ellie blanched, focusing her attention back to Harry, peering over his shoulder to read the letter in his hands.

She expected him to frown at her and move it away, but he silently allowed her to read.

Dear Pad­foot,

Thank you, thank you, for Har­ry's birth­day present! It was his fa­vorite by far. One year old and al­ready zoom­ing along on a toy broom­stick, he looked so pleased with him­self. I'm en­clos­ing a pic­ture so you can see. You know it on­ly ris­es about two feet off the ground but he near­ly killed the cat and he smashed a hor­ri­ble vase Petu­nia sent me for Christ­mas (no com­plaints there). Of course James thought it was so fun­ny, says he's go­ing to be a great Quid­ditch play­er but we've had to pack away all the or­na­ments and make sure we don't take our eyes off him when he gets go­ing.

We had a very qui­et birth­day tea, just us and old Bathil­da who has al­ways been sweet to us and who dotes on Gar­ry. We were so sor­ry you couldn't come, but the Or­der's got to come first, and Har­ry's not old enough to know it's his birth­day any­way! James is get­ting a bit frus­trat­ed shut up here, he tries not to show it but I can tell - al­so Dum­ble­dore's still got his In­vis­ibil­ity Cloak, so no chance of lit­tle ex­cur­sions. If you could vis­it, it would cheer him up so much. Wormy was here last week­end. I thought he seemed down, but that was prob­ably the next about the McK­in­nons; I cried all evening when I heard.

Bathil­da drops in most days, she's a fas­ci­nat­ing old thing with the most amaz­ing sto­ries about Dum­ble­dore. I'm not sure he'd be pleased if he knew! I don't know how much to be­lieve, ac­tu­al­ly be­cause it seems in­cred­ible that Dum­ble­dore -

When it became clear that the rest of the letter was absent, Ellie turned looked at Harry, who was gripping it very tightly in his hands. He seemed to reread it a couple of times. Ellie gave him a brief moment of silence before she spoke.

"Was this from - your mother?"

Harry nodded.

"And this Sirius? He was -?"

"My godfather." said Harry quietly. "This is his house... left for me by him. He died on the same day your -" he passed. "-on the same day your home went up in flames."

Ellie pursed her lips, and Harry gave her an apologetic look. At the same time, she felt a sort of unnatural lurch in her stomach that was not her own, and the hitch of a voice behind her. Ghost-Ellie was awake.

The two orphans sat in silence for a few minutes more. But Ellie felt as though she were in an intruder, the moment felt like it was being shared between Harry and ghost-Ellie rather than Ellie herself.

And why wouldn't it? It was ghost-Ellie who understood the reality of being an orphan more than Ellie ever could. It was she who had been raised in an Orphanage, perhaps wondering every night who her real parents were. Wishing every day to become part of a real family...

What did Ellie know of that pain? She had technically been alive for only a year, and she'd been gifted what her ghost counterpart had dreamed of almost straight away. Dora, Andromeda and Ted.

"Where's the rest of the letter?" said Ellie eventually, breaking the silence.

"I've looked all around the room and I couldn't find it." Harry replied. "It's probably lost somewhere. Or Kreacher took it, the little rat."

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