Chapter 17 - The Mind of The Aware

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Acrine, Ylepolis Region
Arshine, Bisea Kingdom
38th Day of Kreis, 1133

Nylah quickly felt comfortable living with Elijah's friends. Louise was like a nagging mother of the group, keeping all of them moving. Jessica seemed to adjust pretty well, too. Although there were times that she would just stay in one place and read books rather than goofing with them.

The house had two floors with a small balcony in the master's bedroom, which Nylah occupied by herself. A pavilion was located in the front yard with a small set of outdoor coffee tables and chairs. The area was wide, fenced with bricks and stones. The backyard was enough to set up a training ground... which they did. Elijah had put up an archery range. They also made posts that will serve as their dummies when they practice close combat.

The town of Acrine was surrounded by fields and trees. The back of their new house has a forest that leads to an open field. Elijah had Arian build an invisible barrier to keep any unauthorized being to enter the property.

Their house was a little far from SAINTS Academy, but it just motivated Nylah to jog from the house to the school. Elijah found it ridiculous, just because he would be the one bringing Nylah's bag and clothes for school. They brought Louise's carriage and they all made sure Laurence would be the one to drive it.

It was night when Nylah stayed at the pavilion. Jessica was in her room, probably reading a book. Andrew was guarding Nylah from afar. The James siblings went to their family business and were probably getting back for dinner.

Laurence had just arrived from visiting his family who were visiting him all the way from the region of Axeburn. He joined Elijah and his friends in the living room and was engaged in a heated board game with Kellan. The latter might be a blind man but he is a master of senses.

"Elijah," Kellan said as he moved a black piece toward his opponent's territory.

The said guy didn't even look up from the book that he was reading. "Hn."

While waiting for his opponent to move, Kellan turned his head briefly to Elijah. "When are you going to tell the princess about your relationship with the queen?"

Laurence knocked off the black piece and put his white one in its place. "Got ya," he declared with a grin.

Kellan moved his main piece to the open right and waited for Elijah to reply. The latter sighed and closed the book. "She had been living out of the spotlight for seventeen years. Tell me, how would she react if she found out about the queen's control on me?"

Laurence, who was playing with a folding knife by the window, looked up. "Which happened pretty much to all of us here."

Kellan held up his hand to pick up his knight piece but Laurence secretly caught it and moved it away from Kellan. The blind man smiled as he changed the piece and moved his queen beside the black bishop that he positioned a while ago.

Laurence groaned and shook his head as he realized that he lost the game. They looked at Elijah who was just staring at the ceiling with his head resting on the couch's headrest.

"The princess was thoughtful but she was also stubborn," Elijah softly muttered. "She may be ignorant but she was also smart. She will try all her best to protect everyone. It will harm her instead. And I don't want to do that to her."

Laurence looked at him while Kellan just sighed softly. "Now that she has entered the academy, you cannot avoid it," the latter warned.

Elijah closed his eyes and exhaled deeply. He can still hear Lieutenant Colonel Nekeisha's warning in his head.

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