Chapter 1 - The City of Ylepolis

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Plarchester Region, Arshine
Bisea Kingdom
15th Day of Kreis, 1133

"My Lady! You're going to be late for the train!" a loud voice coming from the first floor of the mansion boomed, making her move even faster.

"Coming!" she shouted back. She gave her suitcase to the woman beside her and gathered her skirt to her knees.

"Princess!" the woman exasperatedly called out to her as she hurried after her mistress.

Her auburn hair which was initially tied in a bun was now disheveled but her light gray eyes glowed brightly as she bounded down the stairs.

Standing near the door was a tall, young man with hair as dark as midnight, emerald eyes, and dark skin. He was wearing his casual green-collared polo and white khaki pants. There's a cloth covering his ears tightly. He was talking to her parents as she walked down the stairs. When he saw her, he did a double-take before bowing his head and taking a step back.

"Let's go!" She went straight to her parents and kissed them on their cheeks. "Goodbye, Mother, Father."

The Lady of the House of Chavez smiled warmly; her skin was as radiant as Nylah's with her eyes as green as the forest in Efros. Nylah had always seen Lady Camilla of Plarchester as an angel; she was too reserved and laid-back.

The young man went out of the house with her luggage and put it in the carriage.

"Nylah, you must act like a true princess of the House of Chavez," Lady Camilla reprimanded softly.

The said girl quickly straightened her back and curtsied before her parents. "I'm going now, My Lady, My Lord."

Lady Camilla's smile widened slightly as she nodded. "Please be safe, my child."

Standing much taller than the two of them, her father put a large hand on her shoulder. "We made arrangements for your stay in Warlington. Elijah and an elite squad of the Ezriad Knights will keep you company throughout your study in the academy."

Nylah opened her mouth to protest but her father continued speaking.

"You will find your uncle in the SAINTS Academy. By then, he will be able to arrange your studies according to your needs."

He proceeded to take off a gold necklace with a pendant shaped like a teardrop and looked at her.

"This necklace is proof that you are the sole heir of the House of Chavez, Princess Nylah," he said and put it on her neck. "He will recognize it when you show him. But never show this to anyone."

The girl looked down at the pendant and felt it with her fingers.

"Remember your promise to your mother and father, Nylah."

The gray-eyed princess bit her inner cheek as she looked up at her father with narrowed eyes. "I will never forget, Father."

Her father chuckled and tapped her shoulder gently. "We always knew. Now go. Be vigilant, my princess."

She nodded and hurried out of the house where the young man was already waiting for her by the door of the carriage. "Let's go, Elijah."

The young man named Elijah bowed his head toward the Lady and Lord Chavez and helped her up the carriage before entering after her.

"Why are you dressed up like that?" Nylah finally asked as she stared at her companion.

Emerald eyes stared back at her unwaveringly. "Ordered by your father," he quipped in a low voice that sounded like a grumble.

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