Chapter 3 - Er Vrisala Ma'pa

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Nylah nearly jumped out of her skin. She turned to the source of the voice and saw a tall but frail girl with long silver hair tied in a high ponytail standing by the open door.

Behind her was Elijah, his sword already at her neck and ready to slash it. His emerald eyes were flashing dangerously, solely into protecting his mistress.

"Eli, no," Nylah hurried, raising her hand to stop her friend and knight.

Elijah's eyes dimmed and he quickly pulled the sword away from the now wide-eyed girl.

How in Feredore didn't they feel her presence or even hear her opening the door?

"S-sorry..." the girl apologized and bowed her head. "I didn't mean to barge in."

With Elijah's weapon out of the sight, Nylah could now stare at the girl. She has beautiful thick silver hair that reached her knees, tied in a ponytail. She was wearing thick round eyeglasses over her light blue eyes; freckles surrounded her nose and cheekbones, and her skin was pale. She held a handful of books in her arms, some even fell on the ground because of surprise.

She looked like a decent commoner, but she clearly is of a noble family. She radiates humility, meekness, and... mystery.

Nylah has never seen a such... weird girl in her whole life as this one.

"I guess you were the one who needed help...."

"Jessica Lane," the girl quietly introduced herself. "B-But you can call me Jessi." She smiled once again but Nylah knew it was rather an awkward smile.

The gray-eyed princess gave her a reassuring smile as she made her way toward the girl and the fallen books. Elijah beat her into picking up the books and closing the door behind them, so Nylah settled for leading Jessica toward the center of the room.

"Jessi it is, then. Are you new here, too?" she asked as she pulled the white cover from the couches. She wrinkled her nose as dust spread across the floor. Well, they don't have time to sit down and chat, do they?

"Y-Yes..." Jessica stopped herself when she nearly dropped all her books and Nylah could only lift her lips in an awkward smile. This Jessica Lane was surely something.

She never heard of a house named Lane. Perhaps Jessica was one of those scholars lucky enough to be admitted to the academy. She had heard enough about them from her colleagues in Plarchester.

Nylah decided to ask about the things that Elijah had been dragging inside. "You have so much luggage with you. Are they all your books?"

Jessica nodded and hugged her handful of books. "I-I always bring them with me. B-But they're not just books..." Nylah blinked at her when Jessica suddenly looked down and fiddled with her thumb. "T-Things to decorate, too."

Nylah didn't know whether to be awed or laugh at the girl. Who would bring decorations wherever they go?

"Welp! What are we waiting for? We still have a few hours before dinner." Nylah started to move some furniture but the dust was too much and she coughed and sneezed. Dang...

Elijah and Jessica helped her clean the whole room. Jessica was stronger than she looked, Nylah noticed. The silver-haired girl moved a couch to the designated place without a word or help. She was quiet most of the time and would only talk when she was asked.

In just a few hours, their bedrooms and a part of the living room were already cleaned up. Both Nylah and Jessica dropped to the floor, exhausted and drained while Elijah sat and leaned against the couch.

"I guess," Nylah said as she sprawled on the clean ground with her arms spread wide. She was already catching her breath. "I can't continue this anymore."

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