Prologue - The World of Feredore

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A group of children sat around an old man with long white hair and a beard sitting on a broken log. He held his cane in his right hand and his left hand was on his knee as he talked animatedly to the children before him.

"This legend was of a thousand years ago, in the world of Feredore, there was only one kingdom. This kingdom was once called Bisea. Founded and ruled by King Bisea and his wife, Ozogia, they lived in harmony and peace. They had several sons but only one daughter; and this daughter was named Vrisala, the fairest maiden in Feredore.

Her skin was like porcelain, and her hair was like midnight. Her eyes were like the ocean and they said they glowed whenever she stood under the light. She was very beautiful that every man and woman—nobles and commoners, alike—marveled at her sight.

The sons were not inferior at all. They were all handsome and valiant in their own rights. Their strengths and capabilities were above any man in the world and King Bisea was praised because of them.

On Princess Vrisala's 18th birthday, a man unnamed came into the kingdom and presented a gift to the King. This gift was a crown, crafted purely of diamonds and crystals that cannot be found in the whole kingdom. The king was so overjoyed and accepted it wholeheartedly. But before he could reward that man, he had already disappeared. The king ordained to find this man but to no avail. No one knew him and his background, and thus, he was never been found."

"Does this crown still present?" one of the children asked excitedly.

The old man nodded. "Yes, of course. The king named this crystallized crown the Crown of Feredore and will be bestowed upon the kingdom's next ruler. They eventually found out that the Crown of Feredore has a power that none can ever imagine. Little did he know that the Crown will change the whole world..."

"What happened, then?"

The old man jumped from his seat, his cane nearly thrown somewhere. He turned to look at a small creature that appeared beside him. He was so engrossed in his story and focused on the children before him that he didn't notice the little girl sitting beside him in the broken log. She looked so enamored as she stared at him with light gray eyes.

"Why are you here, child?" he asked.

She shrugged and looked away. "Mother was inside the store for so long. I'm bored. I heard you talking about a king and kingdom and... and I wanted to hear about it." She looked up at him once again with a big smile. "What happened next?"

"Well," the old man sighed and turned to their front. "The sons of King Bisea became covetous of the crown. They fought each other and even went as far as killing their own brother. The King was distraught and in an attempt to keep them from killing each other was to send them to all parts of the kingdom. The three closest princes to the king – Arshine, Julsein Noir, and Efros – remained with him but far from each other."

"Is that why our regions were called after their names? Because they were close to the king and yet far from each other?" one of the children asked.

The old man nodded. "Yes. When the king died, the queen retired to a land she called after her name. As for the others, they renounced their connection with the king after his death and conquered lands so they can be their own king. This way, they will be able to steal the Crown of Feredore from the Kingdom of Bisea. Only that, these three brothers were strong and mighty that they couldn't infiltrate the lands given to them. Prince Arshine was then the next King to rule the now-called Bisea Empire."

"Then, what happened to the beautiful princess?"

"She was cursed and became a witch. But that is another story for another day."

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