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"Creativity takes courage

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"Creativity takes courage."

-Henri Matisse


aviva's pov

IT was barely 6:00 PM and I had been staring at that canvas for a little over ten minutes. The class had ended early in the morning but the professor was kind enough to leave the class open and let anyone work on their project during the day. Laurel went to get coffee and some emergency art supplies. Meanwhile, I had both Google and Pinterest to find any good picture of Jude for inspiration.

We only had two days left for final submission. The weeks went quicker than I thought that I still had an empty canvas. What was happening to me?
Why did I suddenly lose all inspiration and hope?
How come all the energy I've had, just suddenly disappeared. I was starting off my career as an artist with great results and interests, but why is it that those interest are tearing themselves apart? I've always been told to hold myself on a higher ground, but that higher ground is getting more and more loose and easier to break.

Every feeling in me was disappearing that I wanted to leave. Then again, where do I leave? I have no support from my family about my career. And even if I go back, they're just going to berate me and say I've made a dumb choice about my future. Most of the friends I have all work or study in the art field. It's not like I can put down my paintbrush and walk away from everything that I've worked for all my life. Yet for some reason, a self portrait of inspiration can't fulfill me.

Laurel walked into the semi quiet class with the supplies I asked and two coffees as a bunch of people in my class had the same idea of same idea of late night work on their projects. The school didn't close until 10:00 but lots of people would be having the same idea. Laurel put down the coffees and placed the supplies in the shared cart. I could feel her presence behind me meaning that the judgement must've been seen through.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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