My brother's Girlfriend, Annabeth:)

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Percy took me to the Poseidon cabin and showed me where my bed is, his bed and the "common area". He was so excited he couldn't contain it. After he finally calmed down I asked him why it was so weird I thought I was a child of Poseidon. I know he is a part of the big three, but what was so wrong with being his child. He told me "The big three made a deal that they wouldn't have any more demi-god children because the are too powerful and attract to many monsters which put them in danger." I was shocked at my brother's long explanation and apparently my face showed it. "What! Just because I'm a guy doesn't mean I don't know stuff." "I'm sorry. Did I make my bwig bwother mad? "Yes, you did, but i'll forgive you." I nodded my head in agreement.

_______________5 MINUTES LATER______________________________

All at once a blonde girl barged in and said "Percy, Percy, Percy!" "What do you want Annabeth?" he said. "You know you love it." I interrupted. "Percy, I got another sister." "So, did I." Percy moaned. "What!" Annabeth said, "Who is it?" I stood up and said "Percy don't be rude introduce me." Annabeth and I laughed as Percy looked embarrassed. "Watch it sis. Remember I'm older.Whatever. Annabeth this is my YOUNGER sister, Kat. Kat, this is Annabeth, my girlfriend." "Oh, really Annabeth you are way out of his league." "I tell him that everyday." We laughed for a bit while Percy screamed into four pillows. "By the way, Annabeth, who is your new sister?" I said in between laughs. "Her name is Fi-o-rel-la." She said stumbling over her name.

I ran out the door as quick as I could and tripped over someone one the steps.

Author's note: who do you think the boy is?

A. Leo

B. Frank

C. Nico

D. Jason


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