Chapter 18: A last survivor

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Quinn chased the two girls out of the room as Indy looked up at Ethan. Ethan's eyes were soft, and Indy knew what was going on, so she let a smile grow on her face. She forced her hand up on Ethan's cheek as she smiled. 


"What are you doing." Ethan asked hovering the knife above her throat. 

"Looking at you one last time." Indy whispered as Kirby got up but noticed Indy had it under control, so she chased after the other two girls. 

"Please don't." Ethan said letting his hand fall as he starred at Indy, "Please don't make this harder than it has to be." 

"I'm so sorry Ethan." Indy whispered as she felt her eyes get heavy, "You did it, congrats." 

"What?" Ethan asked, shocked, as he saw Tara hanging off the railing, but she fell with a knife in her hand. 

"Congratulations, you died in a stupid way just like your pathetic fucking brother." Indy laughed as Ethan finally stabbed Indy just below her throat. 

It became hard for her to breathe as she watched Tara stab Ethan in the mouth. Indy couldn't help but smile as Ethan rolled off her body and Tara quickly pulled Indy to her feet. 

"It's gonna be okay." Tara said as she started to drag Indy somewhere out of the commotion, "You're going to be okay; I love you; we'll figure this out." 

"Tara..." Indy whispered in tears. 

"Yeah?" Tara asked as she set Indy down. 

"I love you too." Indy smiled resting her bloody hand on Tara's cheek, "Promise me, you’ll live for me." 

"No, I love you, you can't leave me." Tara screamed as Indy's eyes fluttered shut, "INDY! Wake up! Indy please!" 

Tara cried as Indy's body fell to the side. Tara screamed out in pain as her sister made her way towards her. Detective Baily, Ethan, and Quinn were all finally dead.  

"She betrayed us..." Sam said but Tara didn't care, she didn’t want to believe that all the killing was Indy. 

"I don't care! She loved me!" Tara shouted, "She was the only person that's never left me! She loved me! I want her back!" 

"It's time we leave." Sam whispered pulling her sister to her feet, "Let's get Kirby, come on." 

Tara cried as they were outside with Mindy and Chad who were both surprisingly alive. Sam stared at the building in shock of what had just happened. Chad and Mindy did their best to calm Tara down, but they couldn't. Danny was able to comfort Sam, she was somewhat sad about Indy. Kirby had survived but was put in an ambulance. 

"Hey, we got another one here!" A police officer shouted. 

Everyone turned to see Indy being pushed out of the building. She had an oxygen mask on, and to everyone's surprise she was alive. 

"Indy!" Tara shouted causing Indy to look over, the group was all running towards them. 

"Well, hello there my very fucked up family." Indy squeaked out as Tara removed the mask from her face and kissed her. 

"You probably need that." Tara said, placing the mask back on as Indy nodded. 

"No not at all." Indy lied just wanting another kiss, "I fucked up guys, I'm so sorry." 

"No, you're amazing." Sam said, "You saved us even though it almost got you killed." 

"What can I say, I'm gifted." Indy smiled, "But um, I'm pretty sure I'm getting sent to an insane asylum or some shit like that." 

"That she is." An officer said before doctors loaded her into an ambulance, "Indianna may have saved you but she claims she was seeing someone, that's why she did the killing. This girl is a fucking whack job." 

"That's my girlfriend." Tara said approaching the officer, "She's not a whack job." 

"Eh." Chad said moving his head around in thought. 

"She kind of is." Mindy said as Tara gave the two a wide-eyed glare, "I mean she's the most normal person ever." 

"Yeah, I've never seen her crazy." Chad lied as Tara rolled her eyes. 

"I'm sorry, but it just has to be done. We can't let a killer out wondering the streets." The officer said, "I'm sorry to say this kid, but she's a fucking phsyco, and unfortunately cases like this aren't treated lightly." 

"What do you mean?" Tara asked. 

"If we can't get Indy better by the end of a few years, she's gonna be put on the death penalty." The officer said before walking away. 

"Death penalty?" Tara asked confused as she turned to the others. 

"Holy fuck." Chad mumbled rubbing his temples. 

"I knew she was the killer. I was totally right." Mindy smiled to herself. 

"Not the time." Sam grumbled, "We have to figure out what to do about Indy." 

Okay so I might be going a little crazy. But I wouldn't call myself a fucking phsyco. Would you? I mean I did it to save my family. So, am I really the phsyco villain? Or am I just a really fucked up phsyco hero? 

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