Chapter 10: Another Begining

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"So... uh did you get the results?" Indy asked, scared, sitting in her counselor's office as she nodded and handed them over, "Have you looked?" 

"Not yet I wanted you to have the chance." Indy's counselor answered, "If you want, you are free to go, our time is up anyways. You don't have to be in here to open it." 

"Thank you." Indy smiled getting up and walking off, recently she had been in touch with Sidney Prescott, who had told her about Billy Loomis and Stu Matcher.  

So, Indy got curious. She never had the same hair color as the Hicks. She always had dark brown hair, and dyed it blonde every few months to fit in. And Sidney told Indy that she was a lot like Stu Matcher, in fact she was the one that payed for Indy to take a DNA test.  

This was just another beginning. 

"Ethan!" Indy shouted walking into her apartment, Ethan was her best friend now, and for a certain reason. 

"Is it here?" He asked, racing out of Indy's room as she nodded. 

"Yeah, right here." She said holding it up, "You ready?" 

"Hell yeah." Ethan smiled as Indy ripped the package open with her teeth. 


"Would you look at that." Indy smiled pulling the page out, "I'm related to Stu Matcher."  

"No fucking way!" Ethan shouted snatching the paper from Indy, "Do you know how fucking awesome this is. You are related to one of the funniest Ghostface's to ever come across."  

"Right!? This is amazing!" Indy shouted, keeping herself from jumping up and down, "I'm gonna frame this." 

"Are you really?" Ethan asked slightly confused. 

"No." Indy replied in a duh tone. 

Clearly, he's not the brains of this operation. Indy thinks it's time she starts explaining some things. You probably have the gist of what she's getting at, but this is amazing.  

Now don't get mad. 

But I'm a motherfucking Ghostface.  

There is nothing that will make you understand what I'm doing. I've been having dreams, Stu and the other Ghostface's have been haunting them. All the other Ghostface's.  

Amber, Richie, Billy, Stu, Nancy, Mickey, Roman,  Jill, and Charlie. 

It's like it was my destiny. Tara hasn't been the same, she won't break up with me, but she won't stop wanting to hook up with other people. I get that she's trying to change the past but that doesn't mean changing our relationship.  

There are rumors about me and Sam being the true killers. So, why not prove those rumors right. It only seems fair.  

If Sam, Tara, Mindy, and Chad truly cared about me they wouldn't have betrayed me. Sam started blaming me for people thinking she was the true killer. Tara started practically cheating. Mindy and Chad supported both Tara and Sam and never gave me a second thought. So, I'm turning over a new page. A new page I didn't expect to turn. 

This was the new me and I wasn't going to change. I was going to end this dead or alive. God, I hope I end up dead. That's the only reason I'm doing this. I want Tara or Sam to kill me, I want them to suffer. I also know every Ghostface dies at some point, that’s what I want.  

I can't believe how much I'm changing.  

"Indianna are you okay?" Ethan asked as Indy whipped her tears away. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." She sighed, opening a drawer and placing the paper inside.  

"Hey, we're heading to a party, want to come. It's our alibi." Ethan said doing a weird dance making Indy chuckle. 

"You're such a dork." Indy laughed before nodding, "Let me go put my costume on and then we can get out of here." 

While Indy was changing into her pirate costume to match Tara, Ethan was sitting outside the door. Indy was talking with him while changing, because now the box he was wearing is making a lot more sense. 

"Hey so I was thinking, when we do our big reveal, we should bring my bat." Indy mentioned through the door while she tied a bandanna around her ponytail, "You know it's kind of iconic don't you think? It would be perfect." 

"That's actually not a horrible idea." Ethan replied, "I mean you want revenge, why not just show them who you are. But no showing the bat until you do your reveal. Got it? You're the big surprise of the night." 

"Yes, thank you Ethan I'm super aware of that." Indy replied, "It was my idea dip shit." 

"I love that nickname." Ethan smiled sarcastically as Indy walked out of her room and patted his cheek. 

"I know you do." Indy said as he followed her out of the apartment, "Also you know you have your own dorm, right?" 

"You invited me." Ethan answered as Indy shrugged. 

"Yeah, sure I did bubs." Indy said sarcastically. 

"Oh, but you did bubs." He replied just as sarcastically. 

"What are you gonna do murder me?" Indy asked, turning around and making her fingers wiggle as she put them to the side of her face. 

"No, I'll let you do that." He smiled. 

"Good idea." Indy smiled, "Except for the fact that you will be killing me."  

So, the whole big thing is that this year there are three Ghostface's which would be Ethan and his father. And of course, the newest and most surprising Indianna Hicks or is it Matcher? 

The problem was Indy still loves Tara; she doesn't want to ruin that. Of course, though she was starting to have feelings for Ethan, and she knew he had a thing for her as well.  

"Okay so let me get this straight, you're okay with whoever we kill, as long as you get to kill Sam and Tara? Or try too?" Ethan asked as Indy somewhat nodded 

"I don't know Ethan, I do, and I don't. But there's no going back now." Indy mumbled as they arrived, "Now stop talking and go find what's his face."  

"Chad?" Ethan asked confused. 

"Yeah, what's his face, that's what I said." Indy replied in an obvious tone. 

"Yeah, no wonder you're related to Stu." Ethan mumbled thinking it was under his breath. 

"Shut up!" Indy hissed pushing him away. 

"Did you ever check about the Billy thing?" Ethan teased. 

"Ethan!" Indy shouted as he put his hands up in surrender and walked off as Indy followed while grumbling to herself. 

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