Chapter 12: Freeze Mode

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"I'm gonna go, let you" Quinn mumbled after Indy had knocked on the door frame. 


"Thank you." Tara smiled as Indy held up a bottle of pills, placing them on Tara's desk next to her inhaler, "You can um, go back to your apartment. I'm pretty sure the fighting is done for today." 

"That's too bad, I think Chad was looking forward to getting some shots in while he could." Indy mentioned making fake punching movements making Tara smile.  

"Oh yeah?" Tara asked as Indy sat down next to her, "You should tell him to bring it."  

"He's too much of a wuss." Indy mumbled laying her head on Tara's shoulder, and interwinding their fingers, "I love you." 

"Thank you. For not letting me go up those stairs." Tara sighed as Indy lifted her head with a frown, she didn't want this to be brought up, "Yeah, I don't know. I guess I'm more messed up than I realized." 


Indy nudged her shoulder lightly with a smile, "Survivors gotta stick together, right? Besides you got all this. You don't need Date Rape Frankie. Tara you're...I think you're extremely special, so special that I don't deserve you. No one really does." 

"I'm not messed up anymore...just so you know." Tara whispered as their lips were inches from touching when Quinn opened the door. 

"I forgot my phone-did I catch you at a bad time? We're you about to." Quinn mumbled making a motion as Indy pulled a face. 


"What the fuck did you just do?" Indy asked, staring at Quinn in udder shock. 

"You know." Quinn mumbled making another motion with her fingers as Indy gave her an even more confused look. 

"We've never-" Indy started when Tara covered Indy's mouth. 

"I love you Quinn but get out." Tara demanded as Quinn grabbed her phone and left the room, "Ouch, did you just bite me?" 

"Yeah." Indy nodded with full confidence as she got up and walked out of the room as well. 

Tara followed Indy out where they heard Ghostface was back, and on the news. Indy looked over at Ethan confused, and he gave her a 'we need to talk' look as she nodded slightly before running out the door. 

"Sam!" Indy shouted, noticing Sam talking to the guy always walking around shirtless across the hall, "You need to see this! Fucking can wait." 

"Indianna!" Sam shouted before running up the stairs and into the apartment where everyone continued to watch the news, "What's going on?" 

"Where the mutilated bodies of two students were discovered, their names have just been released by the police. Jason Carvey and Greg Bruckner." The man on the news announces as Indy rubbed her temples. 

"Holy shit, that's that chod from our Film Studies class!" Mindy mentioned looking over at Indy, "The one obsessed with Argento."  

"Also found at the scene were various Ghostface costumes, of character popularized by the stab movie franchise." The man on the news continued. 

Everything seemed to blur for Indy as she just starred at the screen. She couldn't hear anything going on around her, her vision was becoming blurry, and she felt like she was about to pass out. 

I knew that Ghostface was coming back, but for some reason I can't quit the panic raising in me. I feel like I'm about to die, maybe pass out at least. Ethan and I need to have a serious conversation. 

"Indy? Indianna? Anna? Guys what's going on with her?" Ethan asked waving a hand in front of Indy's face, she wasn't moving, she wasn't blinking, she was in a frozen state.  

"Oh shit, she's going into a freeze. SAM!" Tara shouted rushing over to Indy. 

Ever since the Ghostface accident last year, Indy started having these random freeze attacks that not even doctors could classify. She would freeze up, she wouldn't move, she wouldn't speak, you could barely see her breath.  

"Ahh fuck." Sam mumbled handing Quinn her phone. 

"Can someone tell me what's going on with her? What's happening?" Anika asked slightly freaked out as Mindy and Chad ran into the kitchen.  

"We gotta cool her down!" Tara shouted after feeling Indy's forehead. 

"Ice!" Mindy shouted throwing a bag full of ice cubes as Chad was searching through the medicine cabinet to find a small device that will zap Indy awake. 

"Hurry Chad!" Tara shouted, placing the bag of ice up against Indy's cheek before moving it to the other side. 

"Found it!" Chad shouted tossing it to Sam who zapped Indy back into her normal state. 

"What happened!" She shouted, catching her breath as the four calmed down slightly, but Ethan, Anika, and Quinn were still as confused as they could be. 

"You went into freeze mode again." Tara mentioned helping Indy stand up, "We're going to take you to lay down." 

"Yeah okay." Indy nodded, looking over at Ethan who gave her a thumbs up. 

"Hey, I'm going with Sam down to the police station, but I'll be back in like an hour or so." Tara said placing a kiss on Indy's forehead, "Just try and get some rest. I'll have Ethan look after you." 

"Thanks T." Indy mumbled as she rested Indy down on her bed and walked off. 

"Hey, Tara sent me in." Ethan mumbled walking in before tossing Indy a phone, Richie's old phone, "You ready?" 

"Ethan, I'm good keeping your secret because you're my best friend and I love you. But I can't do this. I can't kill them. I love them." Indy explained as she sat up. 

"But you have a perfect alibi. I can't go because I'm hanging out with Chad. My dad has to talk with the sisters, so you're our only hope. You're supposed to be lying in bed. And Tara told everyone not to bother you. So, get your costume on, and go kill those fuckers." Ethan demanded as Indy sighed and rolled out of bed taking the phone. 

"One day Ethan, this is all going to come and bite us in the ass you know that right?" Indy asked as she changed into her costume and pulled her hair into a bun to fit the mask on, "Karma's a bitch, and I will not get in the way when it comes after you."  

"You see, this is why I recruited you." Ethan smiled patting Indy's head before leaving the room. 

Indy rolled her eyes before pulling the mask over her face, and grabbing a knife that Ethan provided for her when he walked in. She then pulled the window open and crawled down the fire escape before calling Sam and using her voice modifier.

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