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~ Mario POV ~

I walked across the ground, ranting my rage to my nearby friend, Steve, who was listening intently. After a while, I sighed, and laid down next to Steve.

"Mario-a doesn't know what to-a do, Steve." I sighed, looking up at his blocky tan skin.

Steve was silent for a moment, before speaking. "Well I think-"

I cut him off, I knew it was mean, but I got an idea. "What if I-a show Luigi how bad Bowser is?" I clap my hands together. "Perfect! But-a how...?" I thought aloud.


"I know! I'll-a go over, and remind him of all the fights!" I smiled widely, getting up. "Thanks-a Steve!" I waved him goodbye, before leaving. Sure, I kinda wanted to stay, but I had to get my brother back from Bowser! I ran at high speeds, determined. 

(Damn, this kinda short. Next chapter will be longer!)

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