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~ Luigi's POV ~

The next morning I awake to the sound of plastic colliding. I jolted awake to see Bowser Jr playing with toys on the ground of the living room. That's right.. I fell asleep on the couch. Bowser walks in and picks up Bowser Jr, and says sternly, "Bowser Jr, you shouldn't play with your toys loudly while mama is sleeping. Okay?" Bowser Jr looks at him, and nods. I rub my eyes as I slowly sit up.

"Should we have a nickname for him?" Bowser looks at me, confused. "For Bowser Jr? A nickname?" Bowser pauses, then nods with a smile on his face. He looks at Bowser Jr.

"Would you like that? Would you like a nickname?" Bowser Jr excitedly nods. Bowser looks back at me expectantly. I pause.

"How about BJ? Or just Junior?" I smile slightly at the two dragons, and they both have the same thinking expression on their faces.


"I like BJ!" Bowser Jr says, happily. Bowser smiles and nods in agreement.

(What does bowser do? Does he finally kill Bowser JR??????)[NO. STOP BRINGING THAT UP! BOWSER JR IS NOT GOING TO DIE!!](Why not? i wanna punt him into the sun, so that his skin breaks off and melts, and his skeleton turns to liquid before dissolving. I want that little f__k dead)[NO]

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