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~ Luigi's POV ~

Bowser and I heard a loud crash from the main doors. Bowser rushed to see what it was, leaving me with Bowser Jr. I walked out too, with Bowser Jr following me.


"M-Mario??" I ask/yell.

"Luigi?!?!" He called back, glaring at Bowser.

I step in front of Bowser, inching closer to Mario, to calm him down.
"Bro... Listen.. I swear it's-a not what it-a seems.." That's all I can come up with. Will he believe it?

"As I said, whenever someone says 'It's not what it seems' I get suspicious." SMG4 said from behind Mario, holding him back from attacking Bowser, along with the slender orange haired former inkling. I look at them, my face showing worry and... fear. What should I say? How can I explain this? What do I tell them?

"Luigi, why-a are you with-a him?!" Mario points at Bowser, his eyes glazed with fury. Bowser growls, not liking the comment.
"I-a.... We... " I do know what to say. Mario never listens to me on a daily basis, why would he listen to me now?

"I agree with Mario. Is there an explanation, or something?" Meggy finally peps up, still holding Mario back tightly as he tries to approach Bowser. Bowser glances at me, and I glance back. I sigh, and nod.

"Luigi and I's relationship is... more personal.." Bowser starts, placing a hand on my shoulder. He starts explaining how our relationship has been going over the last couple... months.

Mario looks more shocked than ever, and SMG4 looks like he did after the castle sunk. Meggy looks...not surprised, and neither does she look horrified. She looks, expentent, like she is proud of us.

I study all their faces, pausing at Mario. I don't know what to expect. What does he think? Does he hate me more now?

Mario is silent, before talking again. "Why-a him...?" He said, in a hushed whisper. I lock eyes with him for a moment, then look away.
"He's sweeter than you-a think.." And it's the truth. But.. will Mario believe it? Will he trust my word?

Mario turns away, slapping away Meggy and SMG4's comforting hands, as he slowly and silently walks away, out of the castle, towards who knows where.

"Luigi- I-" SMG4 starts, before getting cut off by a growl from Bowser. My lip starts to quiver. I turn to Bowser for comfort, and he hugs me.

Meggy finally speaks again, her voice calm, and almost happy.

"I'm very glad that you are happy with him.. I hope Mario will soon understand.. Maybe he'll understand once Steve gets the courage to ask him out." I look at Meggy. I don't smile, but nod to let her know I've acknowledged her.

SMG4 stays silent, his hands behind his back as he slowly rocks back and forth on his legs. I look at him. Is he going to say something? Is he mad too?

"I mean- I- I can accept you two- but- he- didn't he try to kill you before?- I mean- I get it- that's how me and 3 are- I MEAN-" He quickly blurted out each word. I smile slightly at him.

"He did-a yes.. But we-a worked it-a out and got to-a know each other." I chuckle, "And what do you-a mean 'that's how you and 3 are'?"

SMG4's face flushed with a dark blush. "I- I mean- that's not- I-" He was stuttering incoherent words, fiddling with his gloves. I chuckle more.

"It's-a alright. Work out-a your feelings... For each other." I smile, half reassuring, half teasing.

SMG4 let out a few, incoherent stutters, before getting poked by Meggy.

"Anyways, we gotta get back to the showgrounds before Mario blows up the place, or before Bob accidentally starts a war." Meggy smiled at me, her orange hair flowing gently in the brisk wind.

"I-a would ask you to-a deliver a message, but I-a don't-a know what-a to tell him.." I say, half joking.. Half sorrowful.

"Well, i would recommend you stay here for a few days, you know how Mario is." Meggy let out a small, sympathetic chuckle. I nod, confirming her suggestion. Meggy then grabbed the still flustered SMG4, and dragged him out of the castle like he was a ragdoll. I watched Meggy drag SMG4 away, and the castle doors close behind them. I sigh, and look at Bowser.
"Would that-a be okay? If I-a stay here?" I ask him, a bit unsure.
"Of course. You can stay here as long as you'd like." He answers. Bowser Jr gently tugs on my sweater.

"Who are you? And, are you okay?" He asks. I look at him and smile gently.

"My name's-a Lui-" I start, but get cut off by Bowser.
"This is your new mama. Be nice to him." Bowser Jr looks at me, and his face lights up.

"A mama?! Yay!" He jumps into my arms out of joy. I chuckle and smile at him. I look at Bowser and he nods. I nod back. The three of us head back into the living room.

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