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~ Luigi's POV ~

Out of nowhere, Mario teleported in front of me. I quickly scramble to my feet. "M-Mario!"

"Mario-a heard you were with-a Bowser. So I-a came here." Mario said ruefully. "I was with-a Steve!" I look at him with wide eyes, then look at Bowser beside me.

"Mario, please-a try to-a understand..." I can't finish my sentence. I don't know what to say to him. I look at my feet. "I'm-a sorry for interrupting your-a time with-a Steve.." I know my apologies are useless. Mario never forgives me easily.

Mario grumbled slightly, before t-posing and teleporting back to Steve.

I stare at the spot where he was once standing. "What-a the spaghetti..?" I know he's probably furious with me, but he must be saving it for when we're both home. He's very sensitive about his time with Steve. Wonder why.. I turn back to Bowser. "So-a... what-a now?" Bowser looks at me with a bit of a confused expression.

"I'm not sure." He looks at me, with a bit of a playfully flirty look. "Why not go to my place?" His tone is playful and low. I can't help but blush like a tomato.

"I– uh... y-yeah... S-Sure.." Is all I can manage to say. Bowser picks me up bridal style, much to my surprise. I let out a small squeak of surprise, which slowly morphed into laughter as he brought us back to his castle. Once we got there, he kept me in his arms 'till we got to his room, where he locked the door, and pressed me against the bed frame. He bent down and gave me a long kiss, and we let the night run its toll.

(Yo? They had the sexy time?) [Tomi, i swear, if you don't shut up, i'm gonna kill you]

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