"Perhaps, you are unaware of the things Capo does with his wife behind any closed doors."- I shamelessly brought it up, in spite of having never heard any sounds. However, I have seen Signora Russo's flushed skin and wrinkled dress and Capo's creased shirt after catching them leave the boardroom.

"They have 16 stunning children, Edoardo, and I am rather certain I remember how kids are made."- he retorted amusedly, absolutely unbothered by a thing I mention. 

"Dio, Edoardo, Leonardo and Camila are young and madly in love. Of course, they will mess around anywhere they can. What do you expect from them?"- Fransisco said mildly, his smile warm and gentle as he spoke of them, and I scoffed, having a different view on that. 

Fransisco's P.O.V.

Edoardo was one of my closest men when I was Capo. 

When he said he would like to talk about Famiglia, I had no idea that this would be our discussion.

None of this is something I am unaware of, even the matter of my son's love life. 

I have seen Camila's pink cheeks and ruffled hair, Leonardo's wrinkled shirt and messy hair and their sparkling eyes enough times to know that my son does not have it in himself to refrain from touching his wife no matter the location or time of the day. 

I have seen all of my grandchildren in the warehouse more times than I can recall, from the youngest to the oldest. I also know they have their own playroom there. I am aware that plenty of men in Famiglia love seeing little ones and are always delighted to play with them and watch over them if necessary. 

And, most of all, I know what a brilliant leader Camila can be. She is a perfect match for my son, his equal in all. 

There is not a single thing I will ever want to change.

Edoardo, having sensed that he won't get anywhere with this, changed the topic of our conversation.

Martin's P.O.V.

I never really understood why my bestie is so fucking bitchy when business calls make him leave his wifey alone in their bed.

Now I understand it all too damn well. 

I had to leave my naked, gorgeous girl in bed at 9 o'clock in the fucking evening all because Famiglia wants to discuss some bullshit.

I could be having the most divine night with my woman and yet, I am here, stuck in a damn chair in a room full of bearded, tattooed and grumpy men. 

Fuck my life. 

"Will Capo be here?"- Edoardo, the fucker who requested the pressing meeting in the first place, asked, impatient and irritated. 

"Sì."- I snapped, not in the fluffiest mood, and he shut up while leaning back in his seat, clearly eager to say whatever the fuck is running through his mind.

But if I am in a shitty mood, Leonardo is in a fucking murderous mood. 

Those bastards not only made him leave his wife on Saturday evening, but they also made him leave his kids. 

If this meeting is about some shit, he will blow them all up alive.


One minute I am enjoying gelato with my children and wife in the centre of Rome on a warm, quiet Saturday evening. 

The next one I am dropping my family off at our house and driving to the warehouse to listen to some bullshit. 

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