3. Below The Hard Deck

Start from the beginning

When Bradley hears Pete's name, his expression hardens and he starts to really dread this mission. Standing in front of him was the very man he's hated for so many years. He then locks eyes with Nova from across the room, wondering why she didn't warn him about Maverick being the instructor. She had to of known, right?

Nova sends Bradley an apologetic glance and turns her attention over to her father as he begins talking.

"Good morning." Maverick nods to the class of uneasy pilots before pulling out a thick ass stack of paper. "The F-18 NA TOPS. It contains everything they want you to know about your aircraft. I'm assuming you know the book inside and out."

Nova grows confused at what her father is getting at. The book is what is taught at Top Gun, all of the aviators have studied it before. But Maverick was never one to go by the book, so why does he have it out now?

"Damn right."

"You got it."

"Damn straight."

He tosses the book into the trash with a loud thump. The two admirals in the room side eye each other in anticipation, and Nova just rolls her eyes at how dramatic he's being.

"So does your enemy." Maverick says to the quiet room.

"And we're off." Hondo mumbles to the girl next to him.

"Here we go." Nova says in response with a sigh.

"But what the enemy doesn't know is your limits. I intend to find them, test them, push beyond. Today we'll start with what you only think you know. You show me what your made of." He ends his speech, locking eyes with a very unhappy Rooster.

The pilots prepare for training, going straight to the tarmac to their planes. Nova heads over to the control room to spectate training, but passes Rooster on his way out.

"Thanks for the warning, Mitchell." He mumbles as soon as he sees her.

"You know I'm not allowed to spill shit about detachments. Especially at this level of severity." Nova defends herself, giving him a by-the-book answer. She's not lying, she really isn't allowed to give out any information prior to training.

"I didn't take you to be such a rule follower." He retorts shortly.

Nova doesn't tolerate disrespect. Especially from a man, and especially from an aviatior.

"Look, I'm sorry, but I'm not my father, Bradley. And I didn't do shit to you, so watch the attitude." She brushes past him, clearly annoyed at the way he spoke to her. She nearly runs into Hondo, who gives her a concerned look after hearing that last sentence.

"Don't worry." Nova says in regards to the look Hondo sent her. He may not have said anything, but the silence was loud.

"I'm starting to wonder what the hell Iceman was thinking." He laughs to himself.

"So am I." Nova sighs as they reach the control center, turning in the radio. Hondo stands with the admirals, but Nova chooses to take a seat next to Pheonix and Bob, right by the radio.

"Good morning, aviators! This is your captain speaking. Welcome to basic fighter maneuvers." The room full of workers hears Mavericks joyful voice over the radio.

"As briefed, todays exercise is dogfighting. Guns only, no missiles. We do not go below the hard deck of 5,000 feet. Working as a team, you have to shoot me down, or else."

"Or else what, sir?" Payback's voice is heard through the intercom.

"Or else I shoot back." The older man confidently threatens. "If I shoot either of you down, you both lose."

Danger Zone - Top Gun: MaverickWhere stories live. Discover now