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Kira woke up. She looked around and saw herself in her room.

How? Something happened last night. I wasn't here last night.

As she tried to think about it, her head began to ache. She forced herself into the bathroom and freshened up.
"Where is Maximus?", she asked no one in particular when she entered the dining room. Her parents looked at her, confused.
"Sweetie, you came in last night without him. You seemed moody", Cora said.

Oh they can't be serious. I don't even remember entering here. All I can remember is when I left..with Maximus.

She walked towards the door without taking her breakfast.
"Where are you going to?", Nico asked.
"I dunno. But something doesn't feel right and I'm gonna find out"
With that, she left.


"Aren't you going to work?", Cora asked Nico as they entered their bedroom. Nico shook his head.
"Nope. But we need to talk"
"About what?"
"We're going to meet our deaths in a week or two. We should be expecting demons by then. We need to tell Kira so that she'll be prepared and we ourselves need to be prepared as well", he said.
Cora nodded. For the first time she didn't argue.
"I was planning on telling her everything this night", she said. "I'm also prepared to die. I just hope that she'll be able to control the power that she possesses"
"That's good", Nico said.
Just then, a knock was heard from downstairs.
"I'll go look", Cora said and she left. She went downstairs and saw two men in the living room. One was muscular while the other wasn't. Cora forced a smile to hide her anger.
"I don't recall saying come in", she said.
"Woman, where is your daughter?", the thin one asked.
"And who are you?", she asked in return.
"You can't answer a question with another question ", the muscular one said.
"Well then, I guess you'll just have to leave ", she said.
"Make us leave", the two men said in a challenging tone. Cora chuckled and pulled them in with her gaze.
"Leave now. Both of you", she said.
Her face widened with shock as she realized that her compulsion didn't work. The thin man chuckled darkly and punched her. She flew backwards and fell. As she stood up, the muscular one flew over her head but was thrown to the wall like he was some weightless insect.
She looked behind her and saw Nico. His hair was flowing like he was underwater and his eyes glowed bright blue. She smiled and then, the slim man grabbed her neck and took himself and her up in the air.

"I just wanted you to expose yourself", he said and opened his mouth, his teeth became a composition of long fangs, incisors and canines and with them, he bit her neck.
Cora screamed and closed her eyes. Her hair began to flow. The man holding her began to scream and writhe like he was being electrocuted and then both of them fell. He let go of her.
"You won't survive it", he said. "But in the meantime tell your husband to stop fighting."


Kira returned from God knows where at night and was shocked to find her home burnt down. People gathered round the scene. She saw an ambulance and ran to one of the nurses standing beside it.
"What happened?", she asked. The nurse looked at her.
"And you are?", she asked.
"Where are my parents?", Kira asked in a threatening manner.
The nurse pointed inside the trunk of the ambulance. Kira rushed inside, she saw a dead body inside a bag and then she saw her mom lying on a stretcher, struggling with life and death.
"Mom!", she screamed as she ran towards her. Cora struggled to raise her hand so she could touch her face. Kira held her hand.
"Kira darling, I won't make it", she said with difficulty.
"Who did this? I swear, I'll destroy him!", Kira growled fuming with rage.
"You must not attack them. They're demons. I have your dad's soul with me. When I die, my soul will come out of my body along with your dad's and enter into you in the form of Guardian energy. Once it gets into you, you'll enter into your Guardian state. Snap out of it immediately. You must not enter that the presence of demons", Cora said. "That's the most powerful and vulnerable state of a Guardian. D.. Don't avenge our death. It was supposed to happen. If you destroy them, your transformation will be complete and you'll become.. you'll be..come.."
She stopped speaking and grabbed Kira's arms and her eyes glowed blue. Energy glowed from her hands into Kira's arms in the form of a blue mist. Kira felt as if  electricity was flowing through her body and then her eyes glowed bright blue. Cora took her last breathe. Kira's hair began to flow violently. Outside the ambulance, a strong wind was blowing and with it came the smell of gas. Kira stood up and stretched out her two hands.
"Don't worry, I'll be sure to take them down in the worst ways possible"
And then she closed balled her hands into fists. As she did that, the ambulance exploded into flames and so did the area around Kira's residence.
Kira was nowhere to be found.

Kira (The Return of Mohanna )Where stories live. Discover now