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"What the heck?!", she yelled.
Just then, her parents ran in looking scared.
Oh no! Not now. She closed her eyes trying to think but no. As she closed it, she saw herself.... still sinking.

But how? She began to feel weak in the knees. She fell on her knees. Though she felt weak, she felt a different energy slowly enter her body from her legs. It was as if electricity was passing through her body. Her sense of hearing became heightened. She raised her hand to signal her parents to not come closer.

Nico ignored her and ran to hold her but before he could even touch her, he was thrown back by an unseen force. He hit the wall and fell. Kira looked like she was being forced to close her eyes.

That did it.
Cora's emotions changed from fear to anger.
No one can hurt my husband and go scot free. Not even my daughter.
"That's enough!", she yelled and closed her eyes. When she opened them, they had a faint blue glow.
"Stop whatever you're doing and sleep", she said with power in her voice.
Kira could feel the compulsion working on her. Her eyes began to close. She then saw herself still sinking. This time, only her head remained on the surface still sinking.

"Don't fight it. Obey your mom's compulsion and sleep", the hooded lady said. She heard it lod and clear.
So I can defy her compulsion.
She gathered some energy and shot her eyes open.

Cora gasped. Nico stood up and went to join her, his eyes also glowing.
"Sleep, Kira"
This time, Kira didn't even budge. She stood up looking furious and deadly.
Why should they compel me? I'll deal with them! I'll deal with them!! I'll deal with them!!!
She began to walk towards them.
She could feel something like electricity in her eyes. She knew that they were glowing.

They were glowing a bright sky blue. Her hair began to flow like that of someone who was submerged in water. Cora and Nico instinctively began to step back.
Then she stopped and  fell back on her knees. She began to gasp for.... breath. She closed her eyes and she saw her nose sinking. Then she saw the hooded lady; her Inner Guardian standing next to her, not sinking. She wore a frown.
"Since you've decided to defy your parents, I have no other choice. Go to sleep"
Kira tried to open her eyes but she couldn't. Her ears also closed and.........


Kira ran as fast as she could. She didn't know where she was going. The men ran after her. And they were getting very close. They were faster than normal humans. What were they?
She had to get to the sea. Fast.
She continued running until she could see the sea. But it was somewhat far.
Before she could continue running, one of the men appeared in front of her. He grinned, exposing his..... fangs!!
Kira gasped.
"Your end is now, Mohanna!"


Kira sprang up from the bed panting and sweating. Wait. This was a dream? No. It seemed too real.
She tried to recall all that happened before but she couldn't. She looked around. She was in a hospital. How? She knew she wasn't there before but she couldn't recall what brought her here there.
She tried to stand up but then, two nurses came in and held her. She struggled with them.
"Let me go!", she ordered.
"You need to stay here. You're on a drip", one of the nurses said.
It was then that I noticed the drip.
If only I could freeze this drip.
To her surprise, the drip froze.

Kira (The Return of Mohanna )Where stories live. Discover now