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The Kingdom of Elezalde was normal before the darkness creeped in. That darkness messed with all the magic, altered time itself, altered the future and altered the legends. That darkness was Mohanna,the first witch of the universe, who was rumored to be the Devil's sister that died and was resurrected.
Elezalde was a kingdom known for its abundance in magic. People guessed that that was what aided Mohanna's resurrection and transformation from a demon to a very powerful demon-witch hybrid, which sought revenge on demons and her brother himself. She also made it her mission to take over heaven and destroy The Almighty God Kami. Well, that was what the legend said.
She created other witches and creatures called shades. They were very much like demons.
But they didn't last long. A powerful priestess arose. With her powers, she killed Mohanna and the shades and she bound all the other witches  and hid them in ......well......Kami knows where.
Before Mohanna died, she said a lot of things, very few of which were recorded in the legends.
People waited and waited, expecting a resurrection but Mohanna never came back. Generations passed and she never returned. People went back to living their normal lives. Technology came in and magic slowly faded away.
The priestess still didn't think that everything was alright so she prepared her daughter just in case. But still, Mohanna never returned. Few years later, a legend was found. It said that "Mohanna will reincarnate indirectly. A girl will be born. At a certain age, she would acquire the dark powers of Mohanna. She'll be transformed into a half witch and a half demon. She'll carry on Mohanna's mission and even add more to the mission and she'll usher in an age of despair"
Calista, the priestess hid the legend from everyone. Everyone except of course the Guardians.
Who could this girl be?

Kira (The Return of Mohanna )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن