
So I'm writing this on Sunday 6th august.
I ended up spontaneously going out with harisa on Friday. She facetimed me and asked if I'm doing anything later and I told her I'm going out with iehab and I felt bad cos if someone wants to spend time with me I don't wanna shut them off. So we started speaking and then I was like "do you wanna go out now cos we are speaking on FaceTime so we may as well meet up?" And she was like yeah sure and she wanted to get her car cleaned and she specifically waited to get her car cleaned with me. It's like a day out for us.

It's so precious when you have friends that hit you up to do daily things with. Harisa is like that sometimes. I had a friend in comp who was the same, she'd message me to go to the shops with her or tash texts me to walk her dog together. Just small simple stuff but it's what matters me cos it's the smallest stuff and they thought to spend that time with me.

We went to get her car cleaned and we went to Asda and I bought a new book lol woops and we went to Starbucks. We had a lot of fun together tbf

And from there I went to pick up iehab from work. I got there a bit early so I stayed in the car and made a start on the new book I bought and then I went inside. That building that I didn't wanna step foot in, but I ended up going in cos I was thirsty so I got myself a drink from boots. I didn't stay there long. I didn't want to and luckily iehab finished soon then anyway

I actually managed to reverse park in the car park when it was busy like first time I think I'm getting better- it's just parallel parking I'm shit at. 

We drove down to town and I parked in that car park I don't like cos it makes me feel so dizzy and nauseous cos it's so winding.

And window shopped but didn't buy anything, I almost did. I tried on a few clothes but didn't like any of them. Get this, size 6 trousers fit me 🙀 I was like damn I need to start eating.

Iehab texted me during the day saying shal we go wingstop and I was like you read my mindddd!!

Funnily enough we bumped into our good friend samah in one of the shops and invited her with us so we went wing stop after and I couldn't finish it all, I'm only just getting my appetite back, and then I took us to the 24 hour Starbucks drive thru and they were making me laugh so bad I couldn't get my words out when ordering it was so bad. I've never laughed during a drive thru order and I apologised to the lady taking our order but I was struggling to breathe and my friends weren't helping either cos they kept laughing too😭😂

And then one of the Starbucks staff was being so rude to us especially my one friend and my friends don't take that lightly and Iehab hadn't ordered yet so we went inside to get iehabs order and samah was like so why don't you do this and they all looked so moody lol. But I did have a nice chat with a customer who looked like she was in her 50s. We had a nice laugh over bananas 😂 think I'll talk to anyone lol.

Then a Muslim girl walked in with her white bf, I know her sister but I didn't know her but the girls knew her. It is getting normalised tbf.

Noooo it's started raining and I'm sat outside with my book😭😭😭 gonna grab an umbrella

And then we just talked and laughed for ages and then I dropped them home. I waited for samah to enter her house before driving home. And then she realised she forgot something in my car and I was thinking good job I waited for her to enter her house. And then I parked up at iehabs and we sat and talked for a bit before driving off home.

I felt a bit low during the end of the day and it's so stupid cos I'm with my friends but it's the first time I felt like my social energy was running out and I think it's because I've been through a lot emotionally.

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