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Dear diary.

I haven't wrote the last few days and only uploaded the weekend diary today. I went out with iehab after placement yesterday. Had wing stopppppp. Was goooood. Shopped a bit, I bought shirts from primark and perfume from Zara and I like this oud perfume they have there so I might go back and buy that.

So I felt a little low lately and I can't put my finger on it but I think it's because I've been thinking about this degree and if I really wanna do it? I enjoyed biomed more than this. And also hospital placement is weighing HEAVY on my mind lately.  The fact we have 10 WEEKS of hospital placement in that place with that Guy.

My head of year said she'd get in contact with me regarding that but I think she's busy
I emailed her today. Not specifically about that I just told her something else and she said let's talk over teams
And I'm gonna bring it up .

I can't do it. I wanna go to another hospital

No one knows what it's like if you been through it
I did well to forget but when I think about hospital placement it comes back to me

Urgh idk there's a lot on my mind
Starting with this degree

On the bright side
Had a good yesterday with Iehab in town
Had a good time with H today

Had decent patients jus had a 7 year old boy crying
On way home

I've got the afternoon clinics this week

I bought a book yesterday
I wanna read it

Also there's a halal chippy here which is so rare cos it's a white area so I had chicken and mushroom pie yesterday

Just got home but wanna go for a walk

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