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I submitted my assignment It was done a few days ago I just had to do my references

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I submitted my assignment
It was done a few days ago I just had to do my references. 3000 word assignment done.

I ended up sleeping around 2am and woke up at 7am this morning. Idk why. I submitted my assignment and I tried to nap during the day right before work but I'm just watching the office in bed.

I'm quite tired now I'm ngl. But I have to just power through.  The best feeling when you close all the tabs open your laptop like getting rid of all the work and stuff it's so relieving.

My line manager texted me that. I feel flattered that they see me as a good employee alhamdulilah but imagine if they talk about other staff like that, imagine how they'd talk about me if I make a mistake at work 😬

But now that uni work is fully done , I can relax. Uni sent an email saying that we might not go to placement next week due to doctor strikes . Not the entire week but just one or two days. I think we get Tuesday afternoons off idk.

So I am leaving for work in an hour ✌🏽
I really wanna watch the boogeyman in the cinema

By the way
I briefly told H a very watered down version of what happened in hospital placement.
I wrote it but deleted it because I just think am I to blame? Is a female ever to blame when men do bad things? When it's another female in the news or whatever I'm always like it's never the victims fault but when it's myself, I'm always like, was it me? Did I say something? Was i too friendly? But I'm learning to realise it's not me.

I'll upload it later

Iehab also said there's a new show on Disney plus, she uses my Disney plus , it's like a Muslim version of the kardashians and I am BAFFLED. Discombobulated like what the helllll. It's crazy but who am I go judge.
Like their life motto is party and pray 😭🫣
And they're ten sisters, and they're literally Muslim kardashians but it's wild. I stopped watching cos I found it cringe lol

Omg I'm so tired I might have to drink coffee but I don't even think coffee has an affect on me
I'll make it with the hazelnut milk I got I was so tempted to drive to where my gp placement is today to buy more hazelnut milk lol

H texted me saying she had hazelnut milk with her coffee and it was good

I'll make myself a fruit salad for tonight work. I got blueberriessssss

Btw one of Harisa's patients yesterday was a 103 year old and her birthday is on the 14 June so she'll be 104 soon

I wanna go gym. I would have gone this morning but I wanted to submit my assignment. I also wanted to walk penyfan .
I asked my mum if I should go gym after work tomorrow cos I really feel like going, even though I was working on the assignment in advance, it still gives you a little stress and the stress of thinking if I've done good or bad. So I wanna go to just relieve some stress and she's like if you wanna go then go. She's so used to my broken sleeping pattern and doing things not thinking straight like going placement then work then placement again.

I'll take my gym and shower things with me and if I decide to go then I'll go and sleep later

It's raaaaaainnnungggg but so humid
Work is warm but one room is so cold I'll be staying here
Everyone's made a comment on my water bottle lol it's massive

Love wearing leggings so comfy
Omg I bumped into Martine on my way into work today and I was like do I say something or not but she was leaving and I needed to go in, wasn't the time for it

WORK IS SO BUSY. They normally have two nurses on nights, there's four. Just sat down

The canteen staff have left us a plate of food one veggie and one with meat which is lush so my dinner is sorted lol

I'm tired already fuck my life

A patients room is Literally leaking water
You know you see in the movies where there's water coming from under the door
I opened the door and the patient doesn't even press the buzzer, his entire room is covered in water
Turns out a nurse forgot to close the tap and it's been running water 😦 I felt bad for her tho cos honestly that sounds like something I'd do. But it's chaos tonight. Never seen it this busy on nights before. And the patients are relentless or quite difficult

There were some fireworks randomly about a half hour ago and I think it's bc of the football. Idk who won lol but it' makes sense if it was for the football

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