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my job messaging me about A and not contacting / communicating with him directly, they've got his details

Don't get me wrong I don't mind but it's odd especially for private healthcare like just contact him directly? I'm happy to relay the info obviously. I'd do anything to see the people in my life succeed and get to the places they wanna be at. I want the people in my life to be more successful than me. I couldn't care less about competition and wishing the worst or being jealous . I'm not like that at all and I hope I never ever will be
Just cos me and him have been distant doesn't mean I won't care. Of course I care and I always will. I care about the people in my life, there's a reason they're in my life and not out of it.

I need to try to see if they have any openings for Iehab. With A, the opportunity was there but it's difficult with iehab. I will try to slip it in conversation when I'm working next

I keep looking at any new positions for iehab at my workplace, I look every few days. I know she appreciates it she's told me. Sometimes I'll see something and send it to her

Idk. Some doors in life open and close for a reason
I just want the people I love to be happy and be where they wanna be
If I can help in any way, shape or form then I'll try my best.


I've been trying to sleep for ages but this is what I get for having an afternoon nap. I'm actually tired as well but I just can't sleep. I'm gonna be shattered in placement. I thought we had Wednesday afternoon off but turns out we don't do it's full day too. We got to finish at like 11:50 today though (Tuesday) so that was nice.

Anyways now that I'm awake , Iehab wants to get lazy eye surgery and I'm telling her it's not noticeable at all, I've never noticed it with her eyes and honestly there's nothing wrong with having one. If she wants one then fake enough but hers isn't noticeable ar all.

Let's talk about the patients yesterday
I cba to go into so much detail but my first patient was a patient who that he had shingles . I knew right away it wasn't shingles. I've had shingles when I was about 9/10. It's actually extremely rare to get shingles at that age, I went to three different doctors before they properly diagnosed me. I can still low-key feel the burning sensation. So I knew that shingles is nerve connected and I knew the presentation so I told him it's not that

I diagnosed him with heat rash. My supervisor agreed. I sometimes get a heat rash, (you'd think for someone with Middle Eastern genes, I'd be alright with heat but I'm the complete opposite) so I knew what a heat rash looked like

Second pt was a uti. I did a urine dip stick which was kinda cool cos we've only done it in practice settings in uni so I actually did that in real life. She tested completely 100% positive for blood in her urine.

Third pt was another skin condition. Dermatology is so difficult, it's so broad and vague. Hers was diagnosed as cellulitis. I normally know what cellulitis looks like but I couldn't diagnose this pt I struggled with her, so my supervisor helped out

Last pt was migraine. It wasn't actually a migraine , it was a chronic headache. She also had high blood pressure

Right I need to get some sleep I'm gonna be so tired tomorrow
Well later today, not tomorrow, cos it's a new day now


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