"We will be flying back to Italy..First thing in the morning" Adonis said..

"Ohh..I can't wait..it's been long since I last visited Italy.. alot must have changed..right Don?" She said

Okay..who the hell is Don?

"Yeah..but not that much.." Adonis replied..

And..Adonis is Don


Another nickname..

Am I the only one that doesn't have a nickname for him?

"Okayy..still can't wait"

They started talking and talking..catching up..

I just stood there awkwardly..sometimes Gabriella tries to get me involved..but lose me most time..

Well.. I don't know much about Mafia..or Italy.. or anything..

I turned to leave..

"Where are you going Selena?" Gabriella asked..

"Erm..I just..you know..think you guys have a lot of catching up to do..so..erm..I'm going to be by the bar" I said..


And I left..

I was halfway..on the way to the bar..when a hand grabbed my hand..

Ohh come on!

I know it's you Machavelli ..

"What?" I said and turned to him..

He didn't say anything..and just started walking away..while grabbing me..

"Hey..what are you doing?" I asked..he still didn't say anything and continued walking..

We left the party area..and before I knew it..we were inside the resort again..

"Atleast slow down" I said..and received nothing for an answer..I was jogging after him..because..his strides were long

We entered the elevator..

He pressed the button..and the elevator closed..

"What are..." I started but was cut short..when our lips met..

My eyes was wide open..in shock..

What the fuck?

He nibbled at my lips..I just froze

Why is he kissing me?..

He drew back..and looked at me..is eyes hungry..Full of desire..I think

"Fuck" he cursed..and before I knew it..he caught my lips again..

This time more passionately..his hands by my waist..he pushed me against the elevator wall..and pinned me there..still kissing me..

I was starting to give in..and open up for him..when the elevator doors open..

The old cleaner stood there..in shock..

He released me and walked out..

"Hi..sorry" I said awkwardly to the old lady..

"This is a hotel..there are plenty of rooms" she said..

"Sorry.." I said and walked out..

She said some things in another language..and entered the elevator..with a disgusted look..

Adonis Machavelli?!!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ