Chapter 8: Events

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Your POV:

I inhaled and exhaled rapidly as I exited the pizzeria. My (H/C) hair was wet with sweat despite the fan, I usually had to turn it off for power's sake. The only thing I could think off, the thought flew around my mind pestering me nonstop, "Freddy nearly killed me, while Bonnie was having a conversation about Hell with himself." The first part scared the (Choose a Word) out of me but still, Bonnie having a delusional conversation with himself... about death! I was so distracted I nearly walked into a pole. "Jesus Christ" I mumbled and mentally slapped myself. I walked off, my (S/C) cheeks turning a wispy red. I became lost in thought again "Why? What is wrong with him?" I couldn't give a care towards Freddy, the only one on my mind was the purple haired bunny-boy. The questions repeated in my mind.


I walked straight into an electrical pole.
"@$!#%" I cursed under my breath, holding my (E/C) eyes as I walked away, my cheeks looking like a freshly bloomed rose. My face was burning I was sure I looked like Pikachu. The pizzeria left my mind for a while, I wish in haled a cab but it was all silent here in (Hometown/City of Choice). I sighed, today was eventful and I still keep getting dirty looks from Chica. Another question, "Why?" Ever since I had that dateish think with Bonnie while he was protecting me she seemed to hate me even more. As I arrived at my house I took one glance behind me, oh why I wish I hadn't, standing there staring directly at me was that infamous face. "Marionette" I mumbled before hastily pulling out my key and rushing in. I slammed the door hoping not to wake up my (mother and father, father, mother, grandparents, etc) and ran to my room, closing my (F/C) curtains and hopped onto my (OF/C) sheets. I dressed into pajamas and fell asleep, praying he had left me alone.

Foxy's POV:

My rusted feet creaked as I walked into my cove and behind the curtain. I never got to see the light of day like the others did. Neither did I a get a lovely lassie to accompany me. It seems I never get to have nice things, not even to get fixing or new fur. It hurt the metallic heart a little. I admit I'm a little jealous of Bonnie boy and his gal but ye never know if it'll work. Humans and disrupted spirits don't make a good pair don't ye think. I fancy (Y/N) quite a bit too, but the lad is my friend. I really hope (Y/N) forgives me for all I've done from the start, a pirate's mistake I guess. I shouldn't dwell on all this, call me a scurvy swab all ye want but I just hope the lass forgives me and I can keep my friends. I guess I was always the one making trouble for all me mates.

(A/N: Yay in not dead!!! My middle school requires homework for the summer so yeah, haven't had a a lot free time to write. I'm really sorry for the long wait, I hope it was worth it, probably not. That is all, bye guys!)

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