Lost 3rd Chapter

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Chica's POV

We were walking silently, for once. Freddy's father invited us to the pizzeria, that man creeped me out. I felt eyes burning into the back of my head. No, you're imagining things, but it felt as if it they were breathing out my neck.

"Oye, Chica you ok" Foxy asked, snapping me out of my daze. I simply nodded in response, ignoring the red haired boy. I couldn't shake out the feeling of being watched though, it was like the cheesy Creepypasta stories where the girl is targeted and kidnapped. It's real life thought, and I won't be saved from my captors by Jeff the Killer. Freddy mumbled something incomprehensible under his breath as he opened the big glass doors to the pizzeria. A warm gust of air met my face, and the sounds of screaming kids reached my ears.

"Ready for the job" I asked Foxy and Freddy. Freddy nodded and Foxy muttered a 'yes'.

"I have a bad feeling about this" Foxy whispered into my ear.

Marionette's POV

I watched the three kids walking towards my 'home', you could say. I kept a close eye on the blonde girl. She seemed to have an off aura about her. Could interfere, but I'll give her a small chance of survival. I huffed dragging myself behind another building, oh the joys of being a puppet. I kept a close eye on the group nearing the restaurant I call home. Or as many ex employees would say, haunt. Those were fun times, I chuckled slightly recalling my past wonders, I recalled Scott as well. Boy was he fun to toy with. Though in the game, I'm portrayed as the manipulator, well it is half true. I'm not as bad as people think (yeah right). I try my best to give lost souls a home, with a small fee, but not to big. I looked around the empty streets unable to find the three. My rambling got in the way again. I sighed and gave up the search, free roaming alleyways and streets. I hid in shadow since I was out in broad daylight. I stumbled upon a small building, loud sounds exploding out from the building. I encountered a few 'interesting' people walking about the building, I remember this place. The old location of Fredbear's diner. I sighed as I leaned against a wall shrouded in shadows. This brought back unpleasant memories I'd rather not recall. The sun's glow weakened casting a warm glow across the small building. The people left, the people that were free and.. alive. I tripped while walking through the growing shadow.
"What is this" I said interested in the cracked, leather bound book I tripped over. I opened the book, the pages yellowed and tearing. In blood red ink the words popped out at me, "Binding Souls to Earth". This could be interesting.

Ok this is supposed to be short sorry Angels. So far school had mauled my face off with homework. Don't worry I'll be back with an extra long chapter for you guys, plus I have no clue how long this is since I'm on mobile. Anyways peace and cheesecake!

Bleeding Heart [Bonnie x Reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz