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The school day finished rather quickly. Ezra had sent me a reminder that I had an appointment and he'd be picking me up. So, when I exited the building after the last bell, his car was already parked in front of the entrance.

"Hey," I murmured as I slipped inside, tossing my bag to the ground. As soon as I shut the door, I suddenly wished Jude was here with me.

I knew it was a strange thing to wish because I should be comfortable around my oldest brother, but no matter how many days passed, I was incapable of truly feeling at ease around Ezra. I wasn't necessarily afraid of him, despite the things other people had told me, but it was more of a rigid sensation. As if there was a absence of emotion between the two of us. I didn't know who it was coming from.

It didn't help that every time I saw him, Jude's revelation about their love having limits drifted into my head.

Ezra nodded in his own version of a greeting, which I found odd, but quickly realized that it was because he was on the phone. He spoke to whoever was on the other end with short, one-worded answers, doing more listening than talking. I suspected that it was because I was now in the car.

Turning my attention out the window, I zoned out as my brother began driving. We were a few minutes into the ride when he finally hung up.

"Seatbelt," Ezra ordered and I quickly buckled myself in, realizing I'd forgotten. "How was it?"

"How was what?" I asked, lazily rolling my head to glance his way.

His lips twitched as he shot me an amused glance. "School, sweetheart. What else?"

"Oh," I shook my head. "Right, it was fine. Not as bad as I figured it would be."

"As we all said it would be."

I rolled my eyes. "I know, but I couldn't help it. Anyone would be nervous if they were in my position." I paused, eyeing him. "Well, maybe not you because nothing seems to bother you, but the rest of us normal people."

Ezra smiled as he briefly shook his head, but didn't say anything. His phone buzzed and he started to reach for it, but I quickly interrupted before he could.

"Can't you check that later," I rushed out nervously, glancing at the road ahead of us. "After what I went through, I don't want to risk anything happening again."

A brief part of me wondered if hitting my head hard enough again would help me remember everything, but I knew it didn't work like that.

Something like surprise flashed through his dark amber gaze before it shifted into that impassive look he always wore. "Of course," Ezra said smoothly, letting his phone go and turning his attention back to the road ahead. 

I shifted my gaze to out the window. My attention remained there until I recognized the set of buildings that made up the main hospital come into view. My heart plummeted to my stomach as a feeling of dread started to settle in—the same feeling that had been permanently tethered to me when I'd stayed here for the days after my accident. Or at least, the days I could remember.

Ezra pulled into a parking spot and reluctantly, I got out. He waited for me to catch up to him before we started heading inside. I felt his gaze on me as we approached the main doors.

"It'll be quick," he reassured me, placing his hand on my back as we went inside through the revolving doors.

My stomach turned as we walked up to the check-in desk for the clinic. There was a man talking to the medical assistant right now, so Ezra and I waited behind him. I turned to face him. "Are you coming inside with me? To see the doctor?" I didn't know if I wanted him to.

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