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My reflection stared back at me as I gazed at myself in the mirror, studying my features as if a part of me believed that the longer I looked, the easier I'd remember.

The girl staring back at me looked familiar, yet everything about myself felt different. I felt like a foreigner in my own body; like I was invading something that didn't belong to me.

Eyes the deepest shade of blue, fair hair that almost resembled the color of snow, and a heart-shaped face presented itself back to me. I had a few freckles spanning my face, yet they were barely visible unless you really zoned in. My face was clear of any injuries; the only signs of distress being dark circles shadowing my under-eyes and a slightly paler shade than normal.

My attention never once wavered as I examined myself, wishing there was a way I could dissect my own mind.

But that wasn't the case. This wasn't some puzzle where all the pieces I needed to build it were right in front of me. There was no path for me to follow; no pictures to guide me in the right direction.

I was completely and utterly lost. The past few hours had proved that to me. From the countless questions thrown my way to the plethora of medical screenings I'd had to endure in order for my discharge to be approved, I'd been left exhausted and feeling like I was more in the dark than ever.

My confusion worsened with every hour that passed.

How was this possible? How had my brain just given up on me? Where had my memories gone? More importantly, would I ever get them back? Right now even the possibility felt completely hopeless.

Millions of relentless questions plagued my mind, never allowing me a moment of rest despite my condition.

"You almost done staring at yourself?"

I jumped and spun around, my eyes finding the person the voice belonged to. It only took me a second to pinpoint who he was since Ezra and Soren had filled me in on a lot ever since I'd woken up.

"You're Jude," I voiced.

The boy raised his eyebrows mockingly as he lazily leaned against the doorframe, his gaze burning into mine. "Thanks for remembering," he said flatly. "Didn't think you could do that."

"I can't," I muttered.

Jude's expression didn't change as he held my stare nonchalantly, and the intensity of his gaze made me see how much of a replica he was of our other brothers. The same ebony hair, mahogany brown eyes, and strong facial features stared back at me. Unlike Ezra and Soren though, Jude was bare of any tattoos.

"Do you need something?" I questioned after a long moment of silence passed between us and I realized he wasn't going to say anything.

Jude pushed away from the frame. "We're leaving in ten, so finish getting ready."

Without another word directed at me, he spun around and left. I stared at the place he'd been standing for a few seconds, before I exhaled deeply and turned back to the mirror. After quickly washing my face with some cold water and running the comb I'd been given through my unruly waves, I got dressed and exited the bathroom.

My footsteps faltered when I spotted the doctor in the room, waiting for me. She looked up when I entered, her gaze falling away from her clipboard. A small smile shaped her lips as her eyes flickered over me.

"The clothes fit okay?" She questioned and I nodded wordlessly. Her eyes searched mine. "Alright, then." She released a deep breath and spoke again. "Your brothers are signing some papers up front. I told them I'd walk with you to meet them at the main entrance."

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