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The smooth rumble of Soren's voice traveled in from the living room. It was followed by a deep, husky laugh that I was surprised to hear because it seemed like it belonged to Ezra. I hadn't heard him laugh like that ever since I'd come back home, and curiosity compelled my feet to move in their direction.

Both men looked up when I appeared at the threshold to the dimly lit living room. The fireplace crackled as it burned on, and the two of them sat on opposite couches; drinking and talking.

Soren smiled as we locked gazes, his dark eyes hazy from the alcohol. "Hey," he said, patting the spot next to him. "Come sit."

I hesitated, glancing at the time to see whether or not it was a good idea. It was already pretty close to midnight and it was Sunday night, meaning tomorrow I returned back to school. I'd been trying to get myself into the mindset to go to bed, but anxiety was keeping me up.

"We don't bite," Ezra drawled, his lips twitching as he watched me silently contemplate in my head. Playing with the hem of my hoodie, I treaded forward and took a seat next to Soren.

Soren leaned against the couch and threw his arm behind me, resting it on the back of the couch. "Want some?" He asked, gesturing to his glass.

Momentarily taken aback, I looked at him. I was just about to answer when Ezra beat me to it.

"Soren," he deadpanned, his voice cold as he stared at his brother.

"What?" Soren said innocently, but I heard the amusement surrounding his voice.

"No," Ezra replied flatly, his hard voice leaving no room for discussion.

Soren sighed dramatically, rolling his eyes. "I was kidding anyways, I would never."

The wink he sent me right after told me that he would and I held back a grin, liking this easygoing side of him.

Ezra saw, but didn't say anything as his gaze flickered over to me. "You ready for school tomorrow?" He asked over the rim of his glass.

I pulled my legs up onto the couch, pressing them against my chest. "I guess," I huffed, not able to hide the frown pulling at my lips.

Soren chuckled and threw his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side. He pressed his mouth against the side of my head as he spoke. "You tell us if anyone messes with you, okay?"

I groaned. "Stop."

He pulled away. "I'm serious," he said, but the mocking glint in his intoxicated gaze said otherwise. I stared at him, amused by this version of him. "We'll make sure they won't get away with it."

I rolled my eyes and pushed away from him. He let me go with a smile and reached for the bottle resting on the coffee table to refill his glass.

I turned my attention to my oldest brother. "Is my phone fixed yet?" I questioned.

"Almost," he replied and I frowned.

"But I need it tomorrow," I murmured, realizing how strange it would be to go through an entire school day without it. If Sage didn't show up, I'd have no one else to talk to so I needed something.

"It'll be ready by tomorrow night," Ezra reassured me calmly and paused. "Speaking of tomorrow, you have a doctor's appointment. I'll pick you up from school."

"Oh, great," I fell back against the couch. "I'll be absolutely miserable after school too then."

Ezra's midnight gaze flashed with amusement as he exchanged a look with Soren. "You were right," he commented and Soren smiled knowingly. "She's just like him."

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