~Chapter 5~

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3rd Person

It was chaos. The gorgodon was racing around wildly, and one could only hope not to mauled, bitten, sliced, or trampled. Everyone was practically diving out of the way as the gorgodon tore through the pastures. Verdi screeched as the gorgodon absolutely demolished her cage. The feathered dinosaur started prancing around trying to take bites of the nearest animal.

Grady, Edaline, and some gnomes were trying to catch the whirling ball of fangs, talons, stingers, venom, and wings as it caused destruction. Just about everyone was trying to escape from it.

Nico POV

"Should I kill it?" Nico asked Will, Percy, and Annabeth, who were all standing calmly at the side.

"That would be useful." Percy said.

"Because it might deprive us of killing them later." Annabeth's stormy gray eyes glinted dangerously.

"I have an idea!" Will said suddenly.

"Does it involve making friends with it?" Nico asked.


"Okay, fine. Just don't die, or I'll kill you again for being so stupid." Nico smiled slightly.

"Okay, death boy." Will nodded and started towards the flurry of chaos. The monster was easily escaping their attempts to catch it.

Nico sighed, they were so hopeless. If they wanted to beat it, they might as well kill it. 

Sophie POV

Sophie dove away from the gorgodon for what was probably the millionth time. As she got up, Sophie gasped as she saw one of the teenagers that attacked them slowly approaching the gorgodon.

Well, it gives us one less person to deal with. her mind thought.

But as he advanced, the gorgodon stopped the flurry of destruction. It slowed, and allowed the boy to approach with careful steps. When he was a few steps away from being killed, the gorgodon stopped completely, and allowed him to stroke its head. It then rubbed it's muzzle against the boy's hand.

"HOW ARE YOU NOT DEAD???" Sophie shouted at the boy. He stared at her, but his attention was turned back to the gorgodon as it purred like a cat.

Edaline and Grady just stared at him with amazement as they finished putting Verdi back in a temporary cage. "How did you not get bitten, scratched, or killed?"

He shrugged. "Maybe if you tried being nice to it, if you stopped acting like it was some crazy thing that needed to be caged, it would be nice to you too."

"Can you stay here and take care of it?" Edaline asked.

Sophie started forward, Edaline and Grady didn't know they were part of the Rising Phoenix. "Don't-"

She was cut off by the boy. "I'd love to, but I have friends that need me. And a boyfriend."

"You can't trust him! He's part of the Rising Phoenix!!" Sophie yelled. Suddenly a pale, creepy boy seemed to melt out of the shadows.

"Is that supposed to be an insult?" He asked. He unsheathed a black sword that glowed purple.

"Well, it should be!" Fitz yelled. "You're part of the Rising Phoenix, and you don't understand how terrible they are? They're going to rip apart the world, and you're helping them!"

Two more people stepped forward. A girl with long blonde hair and stormy gray eyes, and a boy with black hair and sea green eyes. The girl stalked toward Fitz, and the moved so fluidly, and with one graceful move she unsheathed her dagger. Sophie's instinct took over. She inflicted. The red lightning that shot out of her forehead flashed across the destroyed pasture, and she expected it to hit. But it didn't. It hit, but bounced off and came in Sophie's direction.

Sophie thought she knew pain, but this was different. She thought that every molecule in her body was exploding. Everything was pain, and pain was everything. She fell to the ground, writhing. One thought lingering in her mind. So this is what my inflicting feels like...

Annabeth POV

"Was that meant to hurt us?" Annabeth narrowed her eyes. The girl who shot the lightning was currently writhing in pain, and her dagger was millimeters away from stabbing the boy's nose.

"Uh-" her hostage started. Annabeth slashed her dagger across his nose. "AHHH! MY NOSE! MY BEAUTIFUL FACE!"

"Shut up." she responded. "Unless you want more."

He shut up.

Nico POV

He noticed a gray lumpy monster thing charging at them.

"Sandor, no!" a scream filled the air.

Well. Now I know it's name. Nico thought. Absolutely useless.

As Sandor reached him, Nico used his sword to flick his sword away. Then, he casually judo-flipped him to the ground hard, which effectively knocked him out. Suddenly, three figures materialized in the distance.

"The Rising Phoenix!"


yay, cliffhanger! Suffer. I order you.

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