Instantly after

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Crowley drove his Bentley. Who knows where. He just knew that after his confession in the bookshop, and after that painful rejection from the angel he had to disappear. Maybe he had to get the angel completely out of his head. He was hurting, and bitter. Nothing lasts forever. What a bullshit way to say that change is happening. Things do, or at least should last forever. If they don't, if you can't make something that stands the trials of time, then what's even the point. Crowley was ready. He was ready to step forward. He came out of the shadows, he was cast away, and he was burnt by the sun pretty bad.
Angel... he didn't feel like his friend deserved that nickname anymore. But the pain just reminded him, why he sauntered vaugely downwards all those years ago. He asked questions the wrong time. Like this time. If he just hadn't waited until the Metatron talked Aziraphale into it. If he just said everything a bit sooner.
But on the ball, he still felt like this wasn't a pressing matter. At the Tadfield airbase, the Armageddon't mattered more. At Shakespeare's Globe, the angel's happiness mattered more than the truth. Now he ran out of time...
Crowley was mad. Mad as hell, as he didn't think that the angel would choose heaven over him. He knew that he wouldn't have chosen hell over him. He didn't even chose Alpha Centauri, even though he wanted to go there. Nice place, but the nightlife is a bit scarse. Maybe this time he can go there. Just to see how he likes it...
To thoughts like these he just pushed the gas pedal on the Bentley even more, so the wheels would cry about the sudden speed.


Aziraphale was standing in the elevator with the Metatron. Strangely, he wasn't happy. He still felt the taste of Crowley  on his lips. He still felt the pull on his clothes. Yet, he wasn't happy. Still, he forced a smile on himself. He did the right thing. He wanted to do the right thing. Why did it feel so wrong?
DING! 'Heaven. Doors opening.'
The elevator stopped. They were there... up.
A warm, heavenly light creeped into the elevator. It was almost blinging. The only contrast was the Metatron's darker attire. His look actually made him quite distant from other celestial beings.
'We are here. Shall we tell them, that they report to a new authority?' Metatron turned to the angel.
'I suppose. It will all be just jolly good.' the angel said. Though he didn't really mean it. He got quite used to lying to himself, even if he didn't know that he was lying. Now he felt... ineffable.
The pillar he could always rely on, his only friend... he wasnt't with him. In the past 6000 years, he wasn't alone ever. And sure, the Metatron was there, but he felt more alone, than ever. Like an only pea inside the pod.
'WHAT IS HAPPENING?' archangel Michael came fuming towards the duo. 'I demand an explanation, as I am the Supreme Archangel without Gabriel here, I deserve an explanation!'
'Duty officer' mumbled Archangel Uriel under her breath, but still followed Michael on the empty, spacious hallway towards the elevator.
Michael was smoking. Somewhat similar to Crowley, when he was angry. Conforting to know, that Crowley was still a similar entity, like the other angels. It meant, that even if he doesn't want to, Aziraphale can turn him back into an angel. Sooner or later. That is the end goal. Then they can be together in heaven. Crowley might not see that yet. He might not understand it. But he will... eventually.
'Then you shall get the explanation. Aziraphale... Would you mind practicing your enrollment speech?' the Metatron said, pushing Aziraphale in the way of Michael. He could barely stop so he wouldn't bump into him.
'ENROLLMENT SPEECH?' Michael's voice jumped higher an octav in suprise.
Aziraphale just made a small and awkward laugh. The sort you do, when you know, that no matter what you say, will make matters worse.
Michael just let out a frustrated moan, and massaged the bridge of his nose.


The two man were going on two very different paths. Little did they know, that those paths weren't going towards different directions. They were just a different paths.
Crowley now was on M25. It was busy. The traffic jam was at it's finest. He thought, that by this time, after the apocalypse, the fire, everything, at least a simple traffic jam wouldn't be a problem. Buf it was and he couldn't get out of the city, like the dramatic demon he was. He was just sitting in his car, whith his plants, and cursed the world. Everything.
'Shit!' Crowley exclaimed and hit the wheel of his car. He instantly felt guilty for it. Guitar solo started playing in the radio.  'Shit, shit, SHIT!' the demon said over and over again, while he felt his eyes tearing up. He throw his sunglasses to the passenger seat. 
The singing started. Hot Blooded was playing from the Foreginer. When the line came "Come on baby do you do more than dance?", Crowley suddenly turned off the radio.
Dancing... He was last dancing with the angel.
He should probably drop that nickname too. But what could he do? Aziraphale was literally an angel. He really couldn't call him anything metaphorical. If he'd call him a snake for tempting him and lying to him, that wouldn't be right. He was the snake. Not the angel. Or was it an allegory? He couldn't decide. Aziraphale could. He would know the difference.
There he was again. Thinking about him.
Why, oh, Satan, why did those two human talk to him that way? Why did they make him say all those stuff? Why didn't he say it sooner? 
Why... Why did Aziraphale say you, when he talked about hell? "You are the bad guys."
That word almost cut deeper, than the whole "I forgive you" thing. 
The road finally cleared out. And when it did, Crowley knew exactly where he wanted to head next. The destination was.... Plymouth.

Hello my little energy drinks! I hope you all liked my beginning. Don't worry, there will be things happening soon, I just wanted to paint a picture and get back to my writing mode.
I will try to be consistent with the upgrades. One or on better weeks 2 chapters will be uploded according to my plan.
Life is rough right now for me so forgive me if I can't keep this promise, but I will try. 
Until then, please comment, and vote, because there is nothing that means more to me, than reading that my writing makes any of you happy.
Until next time! Bye~

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