I let out another shaky sigh.

Even though we saved the poor section...it did not mean we saved everyone. My cure can heal the wounded as if they did not acquire a scratch.

Yet...I cannot bring back the dead. That was beyond my powers and nature's laws.

There were civilians beaten to death by the enraged people, burned by the fire, or crushed by toppling buildings...like that mother.

I gulped a hard-to-swallow lump in my throat. The feeling of victory was immediately swept away and replaced by a mournful one. This...this suddenly did not feel like a battle won. It was a battle of loss and hardships.

"Hawkmoth, wherever you are. I will find you if that is the last thing I do and stop your reign of terror. This war is not over yet," I thought, glaring at the ground. My hands clenched into fists before I let out a breath.

For now, I will check to see where everyone is at and how they are doing. I hid away quickly, fed Tikki a cookie and reappeared out in the open. I searched for any of my teammates.

"We did it!" Vesperia cheered, launching herself at me and wrapping me in a hug.

"Excellent work, Ladybug," Pegasus congratulated, applauding me.

I gave him a grimace, returning the hug Vesperia was giving me. Pegasus seemed to notice my disdain and frowned.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked.

"Oh...no it-it is nothing," I lied, being pulled back an arm's length away from a now worried Vesperia.

"Are you certain? You can talk to us if there are any issues," she assured me. I opened my mouth before rethinking my decision and shaking my head in denial.

"I do not have time. I need to do something quickly before anyone notices my absence," I told them. Vesperia and Pegasus glanced at each other.

"Very well," Pegasus agreed.

"Can you two please go check the poor section and help anyone?" I asked.

"Of course," Vesperia said, turning to the holder of the horse miraculous, "Let us go."

With that said, the two disappeared across the rooftops.

I used my yoyo to zip onto the top of our hideout and opened the skylight. My ears caught the sound of two people talking inside. I poked my head in and paled at the sight before me.

Chat Noir was sitting on a mat while staring down a gun pointed at him. The holder of the gun being Gabriel Agreste.

   I leaped into the hideout and shot directly at Gabriel's gun. Before the criminal could react to my presence, his weapon was knocked out of his hand. I quickly brought the yoyo back and flung it at Gabriel.

   He managed to dodge and make a run for his gun. Yet, the man had tripped from the purposefully placed baton Chat set. As Gabriel scurried to his feet, I took my chance in catching him again. This time, the yoyo wrapped around Gabriel and trapped him. He growled in frustration at the predicament.

   "Chat, are you okay?" I asked.

   "Yes, I am. Perfect timing as always," he said, using his baton to help him stand.

"Indeed," I agreed, "Would you please keep an eye on him for a moment?"

He gave me a nod before I removed the mat. I opened the trapdoor, revealing the elderly woman and the baby still in her arms.

"Is it safe?" she asked.

"Yes, the Akuma has been defeated," I informed her. She handed me the child before climbing the ladder out of the hole. I stared down at the small baby with a heavy heart and burning eyes. This little one did not have a clue—did not understand what had happened—with who she lost.

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