forty two

978 37 9

Minhos pov

Confusing was written all over my face as I looked up at chan " our room, the kids are less likely to walk in on us there."

He nodded and walked us the room, shutting the door behind us once we were in " what is it baby? Well, obviously it's about felix but what?"

" I...don't understand, she didn't explain it well " I replied

" it's okay honey, basically.  Felix overdosed on a medication used for type 2 diabetes only, which causes people to puke and pass out if over dosed on. If he he's back to normal , he's fine and we don't have to take him to hospital. But if he isn't, if he's still throwing up , feeling nauseous or feeling more exhausted than usual we need to take him to hospital because the overdose has effect him in negative ways which could be life changing or even fatal" he explained, I felt tears in my eyes

" oh my god " I gasped and dropped to my knees in fear " oh my god my poor baby! This is all my fault!" I burst into tears and curled in on myself " why am I so shit at keeping them alive and healthy!? What's wrong with me! My parents were right....I'm a complete and utter screw up..."

Cham dropped down and cupped my cheek that wasn't on our bedroom floor "baby....please,  stop blaming yourself. I beg you, it's killing me seeing you this way..."

" but it is my fault" I whimpered " why do you love me...? Do you not regret being wirh such a shitty person....?"

" precious baby...." he sighed "you will always be my first and last love, I've never ever regretted falling in love with you. I want to spend my last moments on this earth with you , laying  down in thick green overgrown grass  watching the sun sets down ,my love " I reached my hand out for him, he used his spare hand to hold it and rub his thumb over my knuckles " you aren't a shitty person, you're perfect,  you try your hardest to keep the people you love safe and that's what matters. You try."

I sat up and allowed to hold me in a loving embarace " can we talk to felix?" I asked in a whispered tone " and the others....they deserve to know what's going on."

" okay baby, wanna call another meeting?" He planted a kiss on my forehead

" in a minute, just hold me for now....I don't want to annoy them with another family meeting in such short succession to the other " I mumbled and burried my face in his shoulder

" okay love" he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to my legs were wrapped around him "you're so pretty, yknow that right?"

" not like this " I shook my head " not ever...."

" hey" he said abit more sternly "look at me , minho bahng "

I blushed at the name but looked at him,  he cupped my cheeks " what?" I asked

" you are so gorgeous, understand?" He hummed " from your catty eyes, to your pointed nose , your pretty lips, your eyebrows , your defined cheekbones and jawline. Everything about you is perfect "

I smiled softly and went back to burrying my face into his shoulder, effectively hiding my blush as I squeezed him and tired just for five minutes to ignore everything horrible going on in the world around me.

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